Page 22 - AgriBrasilis 1st edition.pdf
P. 22
22 March 2020 AgriBrasilis
topography, abundance of case of SLC Agrícola, we already The objective is to map internal
rain and sunshine, and stable have an advantage of more than challenges and seek solutions
temperatures throughout 10% when compared to the in the most agile way possible,
the year in most regions. average in efficiency, besides guided by the principle of open
They are ideal conditions for having lower costs per hectare. innovation.
the development of highly [Such condition] reflects Should Brazilian agriculture
competitive agriculture. the gains in scale, but also be recommended as a good
The main aspect that has a modernization. There is a new investment to foreigners?
high potential for improvement revolution taking place in the Agribusiness has been the
is the infrastructure. The field, and we are leading the main engine of the Brazilian
country still depends heavily adoption of technologies. economy in recent years due
on the road modal, which is In addition, we have been to the excellent geographical
more expensive and deprives investing for some years in and human conditions for
competitiveness compared to training our team to make production in the country.
other nations that invested in the best use of all the new The growth opportunities
railways and waterways. resources available. are still huge. It is natural that
In addition, the agricultural Our innovation ambition the area continues to attract
insurance policy can be better is to be early adopters of many investments. And if there
developed. The United States, technologies that enable is a sector worth investing in in
for instance, guarantees far gains in efficiency. As such, Brazil, it is agriculture.
more stability to its producers, we created two programs that Given that we are one of
with the distribution of risk reflect efforts in this direction: the world’s largest soy
among financial agents who AgroExponencial, which makes exporters, how has SLC
have a greater capacity to our connection with startups, Agrícola contributed to this?
absorb such risks. and Ideas & Results, which The history of the success of
How the areas of technological promotes intrapreneurship. soybean in Brazil is intertwined
innovation development in with that of the development
your company reflected in of the Brazilian Cerrado as
the situation in Brazil? well as that of our company.
We can say that we are at the “ SLC SLC Agrícola was one of the
highest level of development pioneers in the development of
in terms of using agricultural Agrícola this agricultural frontier.
technology on a large scale. has an advantage of more Our way of operating is
Soybean yield in Brazil is at than 10% when compared a world benchmark in scale
the same level as that achieved to the average in efficiency ” cultivation. The business
in the United States, and in the model is based on a modern
(UFRGS)的土壤科学硕士学 发展优势农业的理想条件。 平。
位。 具有巨大改进潜力的方面主 巴西的大豆产量与美国的大
P avinat o 先 生 向 要是基础设施。巴西目前依然 豆产量相同;SLC Agrícola的
AgriBrasilis谈到了,作为巴 严重依赖公路运输模式。与致 大豆生产水平,除了每公顷成
西农业产业巨头的一员,本 力于投资铁路和水路的其他国 本较低外,我们拥有10%以上
公司在大宗作物生产领域公 家相比,公路模式成本更高, 的效率优势。
司中的表现处于领先地位。 并削弱了竞争力。 这反映了规模效应,同时也
此外,还可以更好地发展农 反映了农业现代化。这一领域
巴西的生产有哪些优点和缺 业保险政策。例如,美国为保 正在发生一场新的革命,我们
点?有哪些方面可以改进? 证生产者的财务稳定,将风险 正在引领技术的普及。此外,
近几十年来,巴西农业部 分散给有能力承担并吸收风险 多年来,我们一直在培养我们
门,主要是通过提高生产力, 的金融机构。 的团队,以充分利用所有可用
但同时也通过扩大和巩固新的 的新资源。
农业领域获得迅速发展。 结合巴西的情况,贵公司在技 我们的创新目标是成为
巴西拥有大片可耕地,地形 术创新领域如何发展? 能够成为增效科技的早期
平坦,雨水和阳光充足,大部 可以说,在大规模利用农 实践者。对此,我们创建
分地区全年气温稳定。这些是 业技术方面,我们处于领先水 了两个 方案 ,反映出我们