Page 27 - AgriBrasilis 1st edition.pdf
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AgriBrasilis       March 2020                                                                 27

            to   discuss   various   trade,   vegetables and fruits. China has   have taken measures to speed
            technological and investment      a large number of new types of   up    pesticide    registration
            cooperation,    and    develop    fertilizers focusing on function   approval,    with      more
            trusted partners for long-term    and plant nutrition, and more    registrations and less time.
            win-win cooperation.              of these fertilizer products will   Increasing market potential
            Is   Brazil   AgrochemShow        be showcased in the event.       and shortening registration
            focused on pesticides only?          When will the next edition    timeline is expected to attract
               Brazil AgrochemShow is         be and what do you expect?       more     leading    companies
            not only focused on pesticides,      This  year  is  the 13th      from China, India and other
            but have wide ranges covering     edition of the event. 13th       countries to launch their latest
            biopesticides,      fertilizers,  Brazil AgrochemShow will be      technologies  and  solutions
            micronutrients,   equipments,     held  in  São  Paulo  on  10-11   here to enhance crops nutrition
            GLP laboratories, registration    August 2020.  Brazil is global   and yield.
            consultancy, logistics and legal   granary, the largest source        China      is    nowadays
            affairs, etc. In the event, more   of agricultural imports and     moving towards sustainable
            and more Chinese leading          largest   agricultural  trade    development      of    cleaner
            biopesticide companies have       partner of China in 2018.        production    and   intelligent
            exhibited and introduced their    87.3% of China’s agricultural    manufacturing. It is highly
            products    and   technologies    imports   from    Brazil  are    expected that more high-
            into local market. Fertilizer is   soybeans.  Influenced  by  the   quality,  green  and  efficient
            another increasing component      Trade War, more agricultural     agrochemicals,    technologies
            of the show. Brazil is the 4th    imports will be shifted to       and solutions will be showcased
            largest fertilizer consumer,      Brazil and Latin American        in the event to promote
            and imports 75% of the            countries. It is expected that   agricultural development in
            fertilizer  consumption.    In    this will bring growing demand   Brazil.
            2017, fertilizer consumption      for agrochemicals and bigger        Here, I sincerely invite
            reached 34.4 million tons. Local   room for agrochemical trade     Brazilian   counterparts    to
            market has a growing demand       cooperation.                     attend this Show, join hands
            for    fertilizers,  especially      Brazil   is   the   largest   together with the suppliers to
            micronutrients    which    are    agrochemical   market    with    promote  agrochemical trade
            effective in improving soil and   market sales of USD10.8 billion   cooperation  and  contribute  to
            enhancing the yield of grain,     in 2018. Brazilian authorities   local agricultural development.

            地市场。                              展,农化展将于2020年8月                    登记时间的减少,将吸引更
               肥料是展会另一有增长潜                    10日至11日在圣保罗举办。                    多中国、印度和其他国家的
            力的版块。巴西是世界第四                          巴西是世界粮仓,是2018                 领军企业推出最新的技术和
            大肥料消费国,其75%的肥                     年中国最大的农产品进口国                      解决方案,提高作物的营养
            料需要进口。2107年,巴西                    和最大的农业贸易伙伴。中                      和产量。
            肥料消费量达3440万吨。巴                    国从巴西进口的农产品中有                         如今,中国正向清洁生产
            西市场对肥料的需求不断增                      87.3%为大豆。受中美贸易                    和智能制造的可持续发展方
            长,尤其是能有效改良土壤                      战的影响,中国更多的农业                      向迈进。我们很期待在巴西
            并提高粮食、蔬菜和水果产                      进口将转向巴西和拉美国                       农化展中展示更多优质、绿
            量的微量元素肥等肥料。中                      家。这将不断增加农化品的                      色和高效的农化品、技术和
            国有一大批注重功能和植物                      市场需求,并为农化贸易合                      解决方案,促进巴西农业的
            营养的新型肥料,更多这样                      作带来更大的发展空间。                       发展。  在这里,我真挚地邀
            的肥料产品会在农化展上展                         巴 西 是 最 大 的 农 药 市              请巴西的同行们来参加8月
            出。                                场,2018年市值达108亿                    10日至11日的巴西农化展,
                   下一届农化展是什么时                 美元。随着登记量的增加和                      一起与供应商携手,促进农
            候?您对下届农化展有什么                      时间的紧迫,巴西当局已采                      化贸易合作和当地农业的发
            期待?                               取措施,加快农药登记的审                      展。
               今年是第13届巴西农化                    批。市场潜力的不断扩大和
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