Page 29 - AgriBrasilis 1st edition.pdf
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AgriBrasilis March 2020 29
agreements with each other? Brazil represent almost US$ energy supply?
BRICS is seen as the next 6 billion. What is expected Brazil is simply the best in
bloc of emerging economies from these investments? the field of biofuels.
that will drive the world. Thinking of India, we are We are not blessed with
Collectively, we are able to a market of 1.3 billion people. energy resources, it is the
better handle the growth and Estimates confirms that our highest amount we spend
stability of the economy. All economy will grow four times. on imports. So, one of the
five countries have common How does an exporting country possibilities is to increase
challenges. like Brazil ignores a market that ethanol production in India.
BRICS’s economy represents will become the world’s second The Brazilian experience
perhaps 40% of the global largest economic power? with biofuels is quite extensive
economy, targeting US$ 500 Our agricultural area is and, now, with flex vehicles,
billion trade within these not going to increase much, there is a new market that also
countries. our mining sector is not as provided some kind of stability
A good example would well developed as Brazil’s. to the sugarcane agricultural
be research targeting cure On the other hand, we system.
for dengue; if you give US$ managed to export in science We intend to increase the
100 million to the Brazilian and technology in general. ethanol content in our gasoline
government, the results would Definitely there are areas from 7% to 20%.
probably not be the same level where we can contribute How is the Indian sugar-
if you distributed US$ 100 mutually. energy sector today?
million in five laboratories. An example is the satellite Indian agriculture is
Jointly, we find better created by the National different: there are millions of
solutions. Together, we have Institute for Space Research people involved in subsistence,
the monetary, human and (INPE) that will be launched and we don’t have large
intellectual resources to solve by India and will be used to properties, nor do we have
problems. monitor deforestation in the corporate agriculture.
Brazilian investments in India Amazon. Our industry suffers ups
do not reach US$ 1 billion Why was Brazil chosen as the and downs. We want to be like
while Indian investments in partner country in India’s Brazil in the area of biofuels.
Narendra Modi总理访问 标是达成5000亿美元的贸 如巴西的发达。另一方面,
了巴西利亚,参加金砖国家 易。 我们总体上设法出口科学技
峰会,并在共和日当天邀请 一个很好的例子是针对登 术。肯定有些领域我们可以
Bolsonaro作为主要客人 革热治愈的研究。 如果您向 相互贡献。
活动期间,签署了十五项 巴西政府捐献1亿美元,与 例如:由美国国家空间研究
协议,涵盖了广泛的主题。 您在5个实验室中分配1亿美 所(INPE)创建的卫星将由
其中包括生物燃料,糖和乙 元,结果可能会不一样。 印度发射,并将用于监测亚
醇行业,畜牧业的基因组评 我们将共同寻找更好的 马逊地区的森林砍伐。
估,国防工业,及印度的研 解决方案。我们拥有共同的 为何巴西被选为印度能源供
究中心。 财力,人力及智力来解决问 应合作国?
我希望这些协议将有助于 题。 巴西简直是生物燃料领域
我们弥合两个发展中国家之 巴西在印度的投资未达到10 中最好的。
间的现有差距。 亿美元,而印度在巴西的投 我们没有能源资源,所
金砖国家与彼此达成经济协 资接近60亿美元。这些投资 以我们在进口上花费最高
议的重要性是什么? 将带来什么? 金额。 因此,可能性之一
金砖国家被视为推动世 考虑到印度是一个拥有13 是增加印度乙醇产量。巴
界发展的下一个新兴经济体 亿人口的市场,预估将使我 西在生物燃料方面的经验非
集团。总体而言,我们可以 们的经济增长4倍。像巴西这 常丰富,现在,在灵活车辆
更好的处理经济的增长及稳 样的出口国,如何忽略一个 方面,有一个新市场也为甘
定。这五个国家都有共同的 将成为世界第二大经济大国 蔗农业系统提供了某种稳定
挑战。 的市场? 性。
金砖四国的经济可能占全 我们的农业面积不会增加 我们打算将汽油中的乙醇
球经济的40%,这些国家的目 太多,我们的采矿业发展不 含量从7%提高到20%。