Page 26 - AgriBrasilis 1st edition.pdf
P. 26

26                                                              March 2020        AgriBrasilis

            benefited from AgrochemShow,     world    important    pesticide   regulatory officials from MAPA,
            gaining  adequate  knowledge     producer with growing output      IBAMA, ANVISA at one time in
            and strategies to expand         and export. In recent years,      order to understand the most
            its   market,    accumulating    more and more Indian leading      updated policies, and seek for
            customer     resources     for   companies have exhibited in       solutions of your problems.
            trusted    relationship,  and    Brazil AgrochemShow to take       China exported 1.46 million
            establishing growing business    advantage  of  this  platform for   tons of pesticides with a value
            and investment cooperation.      better market arrangement         of USD 8.32 billion to over
            We are glad to see many of       and     long-term     business    170 countries and regions
            these Chinese companies have     development. Companies from       in 2019, and Brazil as the
            been well established in local   Pakistan, Vietnam, Germany,       largest importer, imported 318
            market, set up subsidiaries and   Spain, Italy have also joined    thousand tons with the value
            become important partners        for business cooperation. On      at USD 1.85 billion. Here, you
            to local industry, and Brazil    the  other  hand,  apart  from    can learn what is happening
            AgrochemShow has played a        Brazilian attendees, buyers       in  Chinese  industry  at  the
            very positive role in promoting   from   over   10    American     supply side, like environmental
            the agrochemical trade growth    countries including Argentina,    protection, safety inspection,
            of the two countries.            Canada, Chile, Costa Rica,        shortage of supply, price
            Is it only for Chinese           Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay,        fluctuation, factories shutdown,
            companies?                       Peru, Uruguay and U.S.A. etc.     etc., understand how much
               With the increasing trade     attend the event, learning        these  have  influenced  or  will
            promotion  influence,  Brazil    industry and market trends,       influence  Brazilian  market,
            AgrochemShow has developed       searching for new products        and get much better prepared
            from a Sino-Brazil event to      and solutions, and conducting     to  grasp  the  opportunity  and
            an international event with      trade talks.                      reduce  the  risk.  You  can  find
            much     broader   attendance    What is the importance for        more options of new products,
            coverage of country origins.     Brazilian companies?              technologies  and solutions,
            On one hand, more companies         Brazil AgrochemShow is the     to  control  your  local  weeds,
            from Asian and European          important and ideal one-stop      pests and diseases for a better
            countries have participated      shop platform where Brazilian     market performance and share.
            to tap Brazilian market. For     companies can achieve many        You can meet with Chinese
            example, India is another        benefits.  You  can  listen  to  the   and Indian leading companies

                 另一方面,除了巴西的参                 政策,和寻求问题的解决方                      以找到更多用于防治当地病
            会代表,来自阿根廷、加拿                     案。                                虫草害的新产品、新技术和
            大、智利、哥斯达黎加、厄                        2019年,中国向170多个                 解决方案,获得更好的市场
            瓜多尔、墨西哥、巴拉圭、                     国家和地区共出口146万吨农                    表现和市场份额,且还可以
            秘鲁、乌拉圭和美国等十多                     药,出口额达83.2亿美元,                    与中国、印度的领军企业洽
            个美洲国家的买家也积极参                     而巴西为第一大进口国,从                      谈各类贸易、技术和投资合
            加农化展,以了解行业和市                     中国进口了31.8万吨农药,                    作,建立互信的伙伴关系和
            场趋势,寻找新的产品和解                     进口额为18.5亿美元。                      共赢的长期合作。
            决方案,及进行面对面的贸                        在展会上,企业可以了                        巴西农化展只聚焦农药领
            易交流。                             解到在供给侧上中国行业的                      域吗?
               巴西农化展对巴西企业有                   发展变化(如环境保护,安                         巴西农化展不仅聚焦农
            何重要性?                            全检查,供应短缺、价格波                      药领域,其涵盖范围广,包
               巴西农化展对巴西企业                    动、工厂停工等),理解这                      括生物农药、肥料、微量元
            来说是可多方面获益、重要                     些变化在多大程度上已经影                      素肥、农业设备、GLP实验
            且理想的一站式贸易平台。                     响了或者即将影响巴西市                       室、登记咨询机构、物流和
            在这里,企业可以同时听取                     场,从而能未雨绸缪,更好                      法务等。越来越多的中国生
            MAPA,  IBAMA和ANVISA监             地抓住发展机遇和降低发展                      物农药领军企业通过参展,
            管高层的意见,了解最新的                     风险。  在展会上,企业还可                    将他们的产品和技术引进当
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