Page 10 - Minutes of meeting
P. 10


                    It had been noted that guidance on the timescales and processes in
                    developing the plan had been somewhat scant.  The Government had

                    recognised  that  and  had  advised  that  further  guidance  was

                    considered imminent.  Pending that further advice, and being mindful
                    of  the  need  to  maintain  momentum,  Michael  had  advised  that  the
                    following priority actions had been identified for the next six weeks:-

                        Progression  of  engagement  activity  and  finalisation  of  the
                         communications plan;
                        Development of an economic narrative and evidence in support of
                         the Town Deal;
                        Definition  of  prospective  projects  and  programmes  for  inclusion
                         within the Town Deal; and
                        Establishment of an appraisal framework for the consideration of
                         prospective proposals.

                    He added that at the next meeting of this Board it was intended that
                    the  outputs  and  options  emerging  from  these  activities  would  be

                    Appended to his report was a copy of the latest interim programme
                    supporting  the  development  of  the  Town  Investment  Plan.    It  was
                    intended that the programme would remain under review, pending the
                    receipt of further guidance from MHCLG.

                    Corrine Watson commented that the Board needed to have a role in
                    assessing  the  proposed  projects  and  that  deadlines  needed  to  be
                    mapped out to receive and review projects.  This had been echoed by
                    Alison Hatcher.

                    The  Chair  had  recommended  including  milestones  within  the          Michael
                    programme schedule and that Janet Herbert could assist with that.         Barry/Janet
                    Michael  Barry  advised  that  at  the  next  Board  meeting,  a  list  of
                    projects  would  be  presented  and  the  assessment  criteria  would  be  Michael Barry
                    submitted for approval.

                    21 – Any Other Business

                    Institutes of Technology (IOT)

                    Andrew  Wren  advised  the  Board  of  a  new  type  of  prestigious
                    institution known as ‘Institutes of Technology’.  He advised that the
                    Government  had  a  clear  expectation  that  a  bid  for  IOT  would  be
                    submitted from Cumbria.

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