Page 9 - Minutes of meeting
P. 9

ITEM                                         ACTION

                    The initial public consultation exercise had been helpful in that over
                    700 responses had been received.

                    Michael presented the emerging vision and objectives to the Board,
                    which included four key projects:-

                    1)  Barrow  Market  –  To  become  the  anchor  between  Dalton  Road
                         and Portland Walk;
                    2)  Barrow  Town  Hall  –  To  include  Tourist  Information,  café,
                         galleries, used for weddings etc;
                    3)  Barrow Civic and Leisure Space – To include garden space, play
                         space and a stage/event space at the rear of the Town Hall; and
                    4)  Accessibility/Connectivity  –  To  include  enhancement  of
                         pedestrian  circuits  and  improved  bus  connectivity  as  well  as
                         improving access to Wi-Fi.

                    He  advised  that  the  draft  business  case  would  continue  to  be
                    developed in readiness for submission by 15  March.

                    Councillor M A Thomson thanked Michael Barry for his work and the
                    leadership  he  had  provided  during  his  secondment  period  to  the
                    Borough  Council,  as  he  was  due  to  return  to  the  County  Council.
                    This had been echoed by Sam Plum and the Chair.

                    Alison Hatcher commented that it was important to ensure alignment
                    of the objectives with the Town Investment Plan.

                    The Chair advised that details of the Major Programmes Board would  Steve Cole
                    be included on the next Agenda.

                    RESOLVED:-  To note the information.

                    20 – Town Investment Plan Programme

                    Michael Barry had submitted a report providing details of progress in
                    the development of the Town Investment as well as key actions over
                    the next six weeks.

                    He  reported  that  since  January  2020,  work  had  been  ongoing  to
                    progress  the  development  of  the  Town  Investment  Plan  which
                    included governance arrangements being put in place, the town deal
                    boundary being agreed, a vision and objectives being progressed, as
                    well as a Tender exercise for economist support and the development
                    of a draft communications strategy.

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