Page 6 - Minutes of meeting
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The Chair advised that the next stage once the vision and objectives ACTION
had been tweaked would be to describe the deliverables within the
plan. Michael Barry would circulate the revised vision and objectives
remotely before the next meeting.
Michael Barry sought the Board’s views regarding the hashtags and
slogans. Steve Cole commented that the communications need to be
designed to be relevant and fit for purpose to all relevant
Stakeholders and Communities. Sam Plum suggested that the use of
‘better’ need to be re-considered as that was already used for other
initiatives within the Borough; she suggested ‘Destination Barrow’.
She added that it was important to get the branding right.
RESOLVED:- To note that Michael Barry would circulate the revised
vision and objectives, taking in the suggested amendments, prior to
the next meeting. Michael Barry
16 – Town Deal Communications and Engagement Plan
Sam Plum submitted a report setting out the proposed approach to
communication and engagement in support of the Town Investment
Plan. The approach sought to reach the widest number of
Stakeholders in a quality manner. The approach was based on good
practice and was mindful that engagement activity would influence
the reputation and perception of Barrow-in-Furness and local
Partners. A number of key messages had been developed which
were intended to focus thoughts, be clear about the opportunity
presented to the Town, the need for local input, the limitations faced
and the process that would be followed.
A draft communications and engagement plan which set out the
proposed approach to consultation and engagement, including
techniques and timescales had been appended to the report. It was
intended that the plan would become a live document, subject to
evolution and change in response to emerging information and
changing circumstances including publication of the Government’s
awaited communications Toolkit.
It had been noted that whilst engagement was important, it would be
essential that feedback received was of a high quality and could be
recorded and used in meaningful way to support the development of
the Town Investment Plan. Building on that, significant onus had
been placed on effective reporting to help shape the preparation of
the plan whilst ensuring the Town Deal Board remained informed on
key feedback.
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