Page 7 - Minutes of meeting
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To that end Sam advised that a Communications and Engagement ACTION
Group had been established consisting of representation from BAE,
CCC, BBC and the Futures Board. She advised that more support
would be required around communications and branding which could
be bought in using available funding. Corrine Watson advised that
the LEP would be happy to offer support.
Alison Hatcher had suggested a dedicated website to include
information and minutes.
Cllr Burns had suggested providing information in Children’s Centres
and Women’s Community Matters to ensure that all audiences would
be captured.
Andrew Wren asked if there was sufficient representation on the
Communications and Engagement Group. He agreed to speak with
Sam Plum out with this meeting to recommend a new member with Andrew Wren
communications expertise.
Julie Mennell commented that it was important that active onward
communications were disseminated from this Group. Steve Cole
agreed that it would be appropriate to add an item to future agendas
of this Board for ‘Formal Items for Communication’ Steve Cole
RESOLVED:- To note the feedback provided on the draft
Communications and Engagement Plan.
17 – Procurement of Economist Support
Michael Barry advised the Board that the Procurement of Economist
Support had gone out to Tender in February. The Tender submission
date had now passed and the Council were in the position to award
the Tender. Six Tenders had been invited with only one being
received, however, Michael advised that he was happy with the
quality of the submission. Michael advised that he would ask the
Consultants to make a presentation to the next meeting of the Board.
Michael Barry
Michael advised that a Plan Development Group had been
established and that the Group would deal with day to day
management of issues and progress the work between meetings of
this Board.
RESOLVED:- To note the information.
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