Page 2 - Minutes of meeting
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Meeting: Friday, 28 February, 2020
at 10.00 a.m. (Drawing Room)
Chairman: Steve Cole (BAE Systems), Cllr Ann Thomson (Barrow BC), Sam Plum
(Barrow BC), Michael Barry (Barrow BC), Cllr Anne Burns (Cumbria CC), Liam Edgley
(Furness College – Futures Board Rep), Simon Fell (MP), Ali Greenhalgh (Cumbria
CVS), Rebecca Halton (Barrow BC – Futures Board Rep), Alison Hatcher (Cumbria CC),
Elaine Herbert (DWP), Paul Hodgson (Barrow BID), Geoff Jolliffe (Morecambe Bay
CCG), Julie Mennell (University of Cumbria), Rebecca Robson (Barra Culture), Corrine
Watson (Cumbria LEP), Andrew Wren (Furness College).
9 – Apologies
Apologies for absence had been received from Suzanne Caldwell
(Cumbria Chamber of Commerce), Chris Clouter (ABP), Janet Garner
(BAE Systems), Jo Lappin (Cumbria LEP) and Julie Routledge
Corrine Watson (Cumbria LEP) and Elaine Herbert (DWP) had
attended as substitutes for Jo Lappin and Julie Routledge
respectively for this meeting only.
10 – Introductions and Opening Comments from the Chair
The Chair introduced himself to the Board as this was his first
meeting. He advised that the Town Deal was a fantastic opportunity
for Barrow to live up to its full potential, and to gain investment and
support. He added that BAE were really excited about the
opportunities that the Town Deal could lend and aspired to achieve
the full £25M worth of available funding. The Town Deal had a bold
vision and ambition and he encouraged all Partners to be involved.
Wherever possible the Chair encouraged all attendees to send
substitutes in the future, should they be unable to attend themselves.
Everyone present introduced themselves.
11 – Declarations of Interest
Julie Mennell and Andrew Wren declared a potential conflict of
interest in Institutes of Technology.
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