Page 4 - Minutes of meeting
P. 4

(ii)  To agree that Members would complete the Register of Interest           ACTION
                    Form supplied as part of Appendix B to the report.
                                                                                              All Board
                    15 – Town Deal Vision and Objectives                                      members

                    Michael  Barry  advised  that  the  key  initial  role  of  the  Barrow  Town
                    Deal  Board  was  to  prepare  the  Town  Investment  Plan  required  to
                    articulate  a  clear  vision  for  Barrow  and  to  define  interventions  for
                    which Town Deal funding would be sought.  In that respect, the first
                    step involved identifying a vision and objectives for the plan.

                    He  advised  that  following  the  last  meeting  of  the  Board,  a  Plan
                    Development Group had been established and had met to consider
                    the vision and objectives to guide the Town Investment Plan.  These
                    had been recommended as follows:-


                    “To build on our economic strengths, rich heritage, natural beauty and
                    sense  of  community  to  create  a  town  that  is  economically  dynamic
                    and diverse, sitting at the forefront of innovation, viewed as a great
                    place to live, work and visit and home to a population that can deliver
                    an exciting, inclusive and compassionate future”.

                    1.  To achieve an outward looking, inclusive and confident town
                         positively perceived as a place to live, work and visit with more
                         younger people choosing to stay in or move to Barrow;

                    2.  To help people achieve access to opportunities and are
                         prepared/equipped take full advantage of these;

                    3.  To reduce deprivation and improve the health and well-being of
                         our community;

                    4.  To be a better connected and accessible town supporting active
                         travel and public transport;

                    5.  To build on our strengths to help Barrow become a centre of
                         excellence an innovation for advanced manufacturing and clean

                    6.  To achieve the greater diversification of our economy and to
                         provide a wider range of employment opportunities;


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