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RICH TOWNSHIP                                                     Non Profit Org
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                                             HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 227
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                                             Matteson, IL 60443                                                 Permit #130
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                                                                    RESIDENTIAL POSTAL CUSTOMER



           A Strong Partnership Between

           Pepper Construction and

           Ujamaa Construction

           The Rich Township High School District   Thomas says, “We think having
           227 is proud to announce that Pepper   diverse contractors here is good for
           Construction has entered into a joint   our students and for our community.
           venture partnership with Ujamaa       At its core, the now combined district
           Construction, Pepper selecting Ujamaa   is striving become a beacon in Rich
           Construction as a minority contractor   Township.” The partnership of including
           to work on the bidding process and    qualified minority contractors is also
           throughout the construction of the    important to the District’s Board of
           new stadium for the District 227 as   Education and the facilities advisory
           well as other interior projects. The   committee. Dr. Thomas and his team
           south suburbs have been a recent hot   feel the co-construction of the football   Ujamaa Construction. We want to
           spot for community unrest due to the   field, the science labs and so much   help grow other businesses to be the
           lack of minority contractors on major   more is good for all.                best they can be.”
           construction projects.
                                                 Mr. Rob Martinelli, Vice President at   Mr. Jimmy Akintonde, president and
           Pepper was inspired by the District to   Pepper Construction, points out that   founder of Ujamaa Construction says,
           include even more minority contractors   they have a strong commitment to    “I applaud the efforts of school District
           as partners. Community engagement     District 227, the community and Ujamaa   227 to committing to contractors that
           is the key. The next project will be   Construction. Martinelli says, “We are   are reflective of the community, and
           the state-of the art stadium, ground   proud to be a part of the change that   building a next level campus. We are
           breaking is scheduled to happen in    is happening in the Southland. We      proud have a chance to work on this
           April 2021. Superintendent Dr. Johnnie   have a long-standing relationship with   great opportunity

                                                                                                                      12/18/20   11:11
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