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Amazing Graduates!

            Our students are                    2019- 2020 Graduation Rate
                                                Central- 99.6%
            amazing! Rich Township              South- 96%
            High School is proud to             East- 90%
            say we had our highest              District – 95%
            graduation rate in years,           2019-2020 Scholarship Data
            95% up from 86.3%!                  Central- $4.1 million dollars
                                                South- $4 million dollars.
            The class of 2020 has been awarded over   East -$6 million dollars
            $14 million dollars in scholarships. Over   District- $14.1 millions dollar
            70% of our students will be attending a
            four-year, two-year or trade apprentice
                                                Percent Attending:      SOUTH       CENTRAL       EAST       DISTRICT
            The Career and Technical Education                          200/209      231/232     163/181     592/622
            programs prepared 10% of our graduates   Four-year College    41%         44%          51%         45%
            to enter the workforce. This is the   Two-year College       19%          16%          42%         24%
            intended outcome for students who   Trade Apprentice School    4%          0%          2%          2%
            have participated. 17% of our graduates
            are undecided regarding their post-  Percent Enlisting:
            secondary plans and 2% committed to   Military Service        2%           1%          5%          2%
            joining the military.
                                                Percent Working:
            The district is immensely proud of all our   Full-time Employment    4%    21%         0%          10%
            graduates’ accomplishments in the midst
            of a pandemic and will be keeping an eye   Percent Other:
            on this very amazing class.         Undecided                30%          18%          0%          17%

                                                  Important Dates

                                                  for October Testing

                                                  Testing is important for college entrance.  Just focus and study
                                                  and you will do fine.  All School Testing for the Fall will occur
                                                  during the month of October. Freshmen will take the PSAT 8/9,
                                                  sophomores and juniors will take the PSAT/NMSQT. Seniors must
                                                  take the SAT as a graduation requirement.
                                                  Students will be expected to be on campus to take the assessment, and
                                                  transportation will be provided, if necessary. More information about the
                                                  specific testing date and time will be communicated over the next few weeks.
                                                  The table below shows the testing dates for each exam:

                                                     Grade Level       Test          Day 1       Day 2
                                                     Seniors           SAT           10/14/2020    10/27/2020
                                                     Sophomores/Juniors   PSAT/NMSQT    10/14/2020    10/29/2020
                                                     Freshmen          PSAT 8/9      10/20/2020    10/22/2020

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