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Receive Scholarships from
Park Forest Kiwanis Club
The Park Forest Kiwanis
Club has sponsored the
Key Clubs at all three of
our district high schools
for over 50 years.
Every year The Park Forest Kiwanis Club so as the school district transitions
offers scholarships to graduating Key during consolidation into one school
Club members based on the applications and one club.
and essays presented to the organization
by the qualifying members. This year At the August 4th board meeting, the
two Rich Central graduates, Jeremiah Kiwanis Club decided to support the
Johnson and Nikayla Harrison (pictures All high school Key Clubs that are Rich Township District 227 Key Club in
above), were recipients of the scholarship sponsored by their local Kiwanis Clubs a new way as we move into the unusual
checks in the amount of $1,500 each. afford students the opportunities to situations created by Covid-19 for the
serve their schools and communities new school year, by hosting ‘remote’
Kiwanis Club International, and the while learning good citizenship and the joint Key Club and Kiwanis Club
Park Forest Club as a registered entity value of volunteerism and community meetings in order to keep the student
of Kiwanis Club International, has a service. Park Forest Kiwanis Club takes members engaged in yearly activities
mission to “serve and support the great pride in sponsoring the Key Clubs with community service focus.
children of the world.” in our District and will continue to do
FEE WAIVER Food Service Meal Rich Township High School
APPLICATIONS Payment Changes Offers Free Meals to All
We are pleased to inform you that
Children Up to Age 18
All students must pay Rich Township High School District 227 The United States Department of
student registration and other will be implementing a new option Agriculture (USDA) will allow all
2020-2021 fees unless there available to schools participating schools to return to the Summer Food
in the National School Lunch and Service Program (SFSP), which makes
is an approved fee waiver. School Breakfast Programs called the it possible for us to now feed ALL
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) CHILDREN UP TO 18 OF AGE at both
If the student was eligible for a fee for the current school year.
waiver in the past, the waiver does campus food distribution sites. We are
not What does this mean for you and your very pleased to be able to return to this
automatically get transferred children attending the school district? program and ensure that every family
to future years. If you want to Great news for you and your students! can rely on us to help them with the
complete a waiver application, All enrolled students in Rich Township nutritional needs of all their children!
please download the application at: High School District 227 are eligible to Starting on September 1st, any family receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at may come to our sites to pick up meals
Fees_and_Payments.aspx school at no charge to your household for all the children in their family, not
then email the completed form to each day of the coming school year. No just our district students. This makes it or contact further action is required of you. easier for our parents since they won’t
the registrar at your school for more have to go to different schools to pick
information. Your child(ren) will be able to participate up meals.
in these meal programs without having
to pay a fee or submit an application.
10/10/20 1:10 PM
RTHS Newsletter OCT.indd 5
RTHS Newsletter OCT.indd 5 10/10/20 1:10 PM