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In late May 2020 and early June 2020, nationwide protests erupted in response to the killing of
               George Floyd at the hands of the police. Protester are fighting for justice, equity and rectitude, for
               George Floyd and other Black and Brown citizens that have been killed recently in racially charged
               violent attacks. One of the District's belief statements is that “We believe that student success is
               more likely to occur when the voices of our students, our staff, our parents, our alumni, our
               communities and our school board are heard, considered and addressed.” In addition, the
               Department’s goal is to build a culturally responsive school environment in order to best serve the
               learning styles of our diverse student body and make learning more effective and relevant. With that
               being said the District published a video on Juneteenth (June 19) that expressed the district leaders
               ally ship with the protesters and promoted student agency in light of civil unrest and racial tensions.
               This video received overall positive feedback from the community and our stakeholders. The
               District collaborated with Global 360 Marketing for this project - the Department completed
               production and post-production work, and the consultant aided with pre-production and production
               efforts. The Department also produced and distributed a video tribute to honor the 2019-20 retirees
               of the District. Due to the social distancing guidelines in place that prevented large social
               gatherings, the District did not host an in-person Retirement Dinner this year. However, the
               Department compiled several photos and videos from each of the retirees to highlight their years of
               dedication in a virtual tribute. Both of the videos mentioned in this paragraph were published to the
               District’s Facebook page and YouTube channel, and has received overall positive feedback from
               students, alumni, parents and community members.

               In an effort to keep our stakeholders informed with current information as it relates to 2020-21
               school year information, the Department is working closely with Global 360 Marketing to produce
               video messaging that communicates important information with our stakeholders as it relates to
               returning to school in Fall 2020 in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and our transition to a one-
               school, two-campus model. In these videos, district-level department leaders addressed what the
               onset of next school year will look like in terms of curriculum, special programs, technology,
               transportation, activities, athletics, transportation and facilities. This video will be presented at the
               July 21 Board of Education meeting and published to the District’s digital platforms shortly
               thereafter. Also, to supplement this video, the Department is working closely with Global 360
               Marketing to revise the District’s digital and written Transition Guide to reflect the most up-to-date
               information as it relates to school reopening in Fall 2020.

               In July 2020, the Communications Department will work closely with Global 360 Marketing to
               prepare all marketing materials for the new Rich Township High School, produce and distribute
               written and video messages containing important information with families as it relates to school
               reopening and continue to effectively communicate the transition from three schools to a one-
               school, two-campus model.
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