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               The District has three new confirmed cases of COVID 19. The Fine Arts and Stem campus were closed on
               July 8 and July 9. Employees impacted were required to be tested for COVID 19 and must receive clearance
               before returning to work. Free COVID testing sites have been identified, which will afford all employees with
               any level of concern to be tested. An external cleaning agency will sanitize the Fine Arts and the Stem campus.
               District 227 continues to be extremely responsive to creating a safe environment for all essential workers
               during the COVID 19 Pandemic. The District has provided personal protective equipment for example, mask,
               hand sanitizer, gloves, reduced the number of employees working, and practices social distancing guidelines.
               All employees’ temperatures are taken upon entry into the building.  Employees who may have been exposed
               to the virus have diligently reported information to the District and then seek testing, self-quarantine and are
               required to obtain a return to work release. Employees who are exposed to any person diagnosed with COVID
               are notified. Several employees have had loved ones impacted by the virus, some of which resulted in death.
               Employees are required to participate in temperature checks, wear a mask, wash hands, sanitize equipment,
               and practice social distancing. The Illinois Department of Public Health continues to provide support as this is
               unchartered territory.

                    From the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services

               Remote Learning

               The District completed the last day of remote learning on May 21, 2020.  Below is the final student
               engagement and attendance data for the complete nine weeks.

               Summer School

               The District’s 2020 virtual summer school programs are set to start June 1, 2020.  One hundred
               sixty-seven students have registered for our virtual credit recovery and Star Academy programs and
               to make up incompletes from the 4  marking period.  Extended School Year (ESY) will also be
               offered for our special education students.

               The RAMP UP program is scheduled to start June 8, 2020, for incoming freshmen and 7  and 8
               graders who need academic recovery.

               Star Academy

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