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               Assigned students to pathways and to their academy. Worked with counselors to outline the
               summer work that they will complete to make sure that students are in the correct classes for the
               start of the 2020-2021 school year.

               Student Handbook Committee

               Worked in collaboration with student handbook committee to develop a proposed student handbook
               for the 2020-2021 SY.

               Special Populations Committee

               No meetings this month

               Business Office

               Remote Learning

               The District completed the last day of remote learning on May 21, 2020.  Below is the final student
               engagement and attendance data for the complete nine weeks.

               Summer School

               The District’s 2020 virtual summer school programs are set to start on June 1, 2020.  167 students
               have registered for our virtual credit recovery and Star Academy programs and to make up
               incompletes from the 4  marking period.  Extended School Year (ESY) will also be offered for our
               special education students.

               The RAMP UP program is scheduled to start June 8, 2020, for incoming freshmen and 7  and 8
               graders who need academic recovery.

               Star Academy


               The Director of Curriculum and Data

                  1.  Working with Dr. Bournes and Loyola University, we are providing opportunities for staff
                      to increase their instructional capacity in mathematics through coaching, mentorship, and
                      dual credit.
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