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District 227 Salutes The Following Business
Professionals of America (BPA) Members who Earns College
competed virtually in the Area 12 Competition in Board AP®
January and will compete at the State Leadership
Conference Computer Science
Female Diversity
Rich Township High School District 227 has
earned the College Board AP® Computer
Science Female Diversity Award for achieving
high female representation in AP Computer
Science Principles (CSP). Schools honored
with the AP Computer Science Female
Diversity Award have expanded girls’ access
Michaela Gurley Aniya Harris in AP Computer Science courses.
2nd place in Presentation 1st place in Health
Management, 2nd place in Health Leadership/Special Topics,
RTHS is one of the 20,000 institutions that
Leadership/Special Topics 4th place in Administrative
Support Concepts offer AP courses, with 1,119 achieving either
50% or higher female representation in one
of the two AP computer science courses
during the 2019-2020 school year. In 2020,
RTHS was one of only 831 recognized in the
category of AP Computer Science Principles.
“Rich Township High School’s students need
the power to shape technology, not just
cope with it,” says Stefanie Sanford, College
Board chief of global policy and external
relations. “Young women deserve an equal
opportunity to become the next generation
Jelaila Harris Leah Sexton of entrepreneurs, engineers and tech
2nd place in Basic Office 4th place in Banking & Finance, leaders. Closing the gap in computer science
Systems & Procedures 4th place in Graphic Design
education empowers young women to build
the future they want.”
Providing female students with access
SPECIAL to computer science courses is critical to
CONGRATULATIONS ensuring gender parity in the industry’s high-
paying jobs and to drive innovation, creativity,
to Michaela, Aniya,
and representation. The median annual wage
Jelaila & Sidney who for computer and information technology
qualified to compete occupations was $88,240 in May 2019.
(virtually) at the 2021 State According to College Board data, female
Leadership Conference. students who take AP CSP in high school
Sidney Williams (Leah also qualified but is are more than 5 times as likely to major in
1st place in Business computer science in college, compared to
Law & Ethics, not able to attend/compete) similar female students who did not take CSP.
4th place in Computer
Programming Concepts