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All employees have their temperatures taken upon entry into the building and the Distric’s requires all employees
               to complete a daily health screening. The health screening provides an alert for the teacher and the office of
               Human Resources. Employees with symptoms are required to test, self-quarantine, and retest with a negative test
               before re-entry is allowed.  The information has been sent to all employees with gentle reminders regarding
               maintaining social distancing, honestly reporting information on the health screener, utilization the isolation nurse
               for onsite testing, and reporting information that allows the district to contact trace and create and enforce safety
               protocols to protect all stakeholders.

               The District has had 47 employees test positive for COVID from July of 2020-Present. Faculty returned on
               January 19 . Out of the 47 cases, 1 administrator 2 secretaries, and 3 teachers tested positive after in-person
               learning resumed. There was also one case student who tested positive. 6 additional people were identified through
               contact tracing. All six individuals tested negative. The last two positive cases were reported the first week in
               February. There have been no new cases reported in the past week.

              Educational Services

               FINE ARTS

                      Performing Arts:
                  •  Theatre- Virtual Black History Month Performance Coming in February
               Expansion Planning Updates
                  •  Course offerings have been streamlined to reflect a three-level pathway sequence
                         o  Visual Arts: Drawing; Sculpture; Photography/Graphic Design
                         o  Performing Arts: Choir; Band; Dance/Theater
                  •  New course teaching positions have been identified: Dance
                  •  Curriculum redesign efforts to start Feb/March to align with the school-wide standards
                      alignment initiative


               IB Consultancy Visit Scheduled March 8-12, 2021

               Recruitment Targets:
                  •  100 freshman Seats
                  •  100 sophomore Seats
                  •  Two MYP teacher per core subjects
                         •  English (2); Social Studies (2); Biology (1), Chemistry (1); Mathematics (2); Spanish
                             (1), French (1); Visual Arts (2); Physical Education (2)

               Recruitment Updates:
                  •  Teacher team has been identified:
                         •  Nine teachers have committed
                         •  Vacant IB Program positions:
                             Chemistry (1); Mathematics (2); French (1); Visual Arts (1); Physical Education (1)
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