Page 27 - Draft
P. 27
Date: February 2021
To: Board of Education
From: Dr. Johnnie Thomas
Re: Executive Summary (Confidential)
Art & Communication - STEM
Rich Township High School has earned the College Board AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award for
achieving high female representation in AP Computer Science Principles. Schools honored with the AP
Computer Science Female Diversity Award have expanded girls’ access to AP Computer Science courses.
We are very proud to announce that Derrick Patrick is a recipient of the prestigious Questbridge
Scholarship. This is a highly competitive full four-year academic scholarship toward an undergraduate
degree at any partner university. Derrick is 1 of 1,464 students who was awarded the scholarship
nationwide. He will be attending Notre Dame University in the Fall.
At the conclusion of semester one, Rich Township High School had 1,277 named to the honor
roll. There are 389 student who had a 4.0 or better GPA, 419 students from 3.5-3.99 GPA, and 469
students from 3.0-3.49 GPA. These students will be recognized in a virtual awards ceremony.
Congratulations to the Rich Township Raptor Scholastic Bowl Team. The Raptors concluded their
regular season with three impressive victories! The team played really well together. The Raptors
finished the season with 13 wins and only 3 losses.
Human Resources
The Office of Human Resources is working collaboratively with the building master schedulers to determine the
2021-2022 staffing needs. The District’s goal is to recruit and retain the best and brightest teachers and to offer
all students with opportunities to have equal access to highly qualified educators that will take the time to know,
value and personalize the learning environment.
District 227 is committed to creating a safe environment for all essential workers during the COVID 19 Pandemic.
The District facilitated a professional development session on COVID 19 protocols and procedures on February
3, 2021. The presentation is posted under the Human Resources tab.