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EDUCATIONAL District Digest
        V O L2  I S S UE
     Additionally, here are a few blog posts to support teachers, coaches, and leaders to be stronger No-Nonsense Nurturers:
        03          THE OFFICE OF

        D ec em b er     SERVICES
        20 20

          UPCOMING EVENTS                                                                                this issue

             December 17                                                                               Institute Day  P.1
         Bilingual Parent Advisory
           Committee Meeting
                                                                                                 Trauma Defined  P.1-2
             December 18
       Semester Grades Verification                                                                    Co-Teaching P.2

             December 28                                                                      Trauma Over Truancy P.2
           Report Cards Mailed

              January 4                                                                              No More Zeros P.2
              Institute Day
                                   INSTITUTE DAY
        January 4- March 2 Access
                Testing            We will welcome the new year and start the second semester of the 2020-2021 schoolyear on January 4,
                                   2021. The Winter Institute Day 2021 will be held virtually.  After opening remarks and updates from senior
              January 14           leadership, the first half of day will be spent preparing for the hybrid instruction.  We will hear from our
       Supporting the Mental Health   peers  as  they  share  strategies  that  they  have  found  effective  during  the  first  semester  of  remote
        and Social-emotional needs   instruction.
         of students- SSS Parent
                Night              The  second  half  of  the  day  will  be  spent  increasing  our  capacity  to  support  our  student  social-
                                   emotionally.  We will start a series of professional development workshops designed to build our cultural
              January 19           competency this semester, and we spend the last segment of our day on trauma-informed teaching.
         Hybrid Learning Tentative
               Start Date          Please  see  the  schedule  below  for  times.  Instructions  on  how  to  access  the  zooms,  signing  in  for
                                   attendance, etc.  will be sent separately on or before December 30  and posted in Schoology.
              January 20           Opening Remarks ……………………………………………..…  7:30-8:30a
             ASCA Training         Sharing Best Practices for Student Engagement………..…  8:30-9:30a
                                   Remote Learning Planning …………………………………….. 9:30-11:30a
              January 22           Lunch Break …………………………………………………..…..  11:30-12:30p
            Co-teaching PD         Cultural Compentency ………………………………………..… 12:30-1:30p

              February 17          TACTIC Training ………………………………………………….  1:30-3:30p
         Bilingual Parent Advisory
           Committee Meeting          TRAUMA DEFINED

              February 24
        Post Secondary Transition   The longer we live, the more inevitable it is that we will experience trauma. Trauma is the response to
             Parent Meeting        a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causes
                                   feelings of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel the full range of
               March 11            emotions and experiences.
             ASCA Training         The Total Access Collaborative for Trauma Informed Care (TACTIC) is a partnership between law

               March 12            enforcement, schools and mental health services in the Park Forest community. The TACTIC program’s
           Coteaching Training     main goal is to increase the workforce’s ability to recognize, connect and provide services to children
                                   and adolescents impacted by trauma and violence. Funding for this cross-agency collaboration is
               March 18            provided by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICIJA).
        Annual TMC parent Meeting
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