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EDUCATIONAL District Digest
        V O L2 S S UE
     Additionally, here are a few blog posts to support teachers, coaches, and leaders to be stronger No-Nonsense Nurturers:
        02          THE OFFICE OF

        O c tober        SERVICES
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                                                                                                         this issue

                                                                                      Focus on Danielson Domain 2  P.1

       UPCOMING EVENTS                                                                Planning for Hybrid Instruction  P.2

                                                                                                      Teaching Tips P.2
            October 14- 29
               Testing                                                                   Focused on Students & Student
                                                                                                         Success P.1-2
            October 15-16
         Virtual Parent Teacher
             Conferences           FOCUSING ON
                                                                                     FOCUSED ON STUDENTS AND
             October 26            DANIELSON DOMAIN 2                                     STUDENT SUCCESS
            Early Dismissal-
       School Improvement Day      Seventy teachers have been selected to       If a student is in danger of failing (D/F),
                                   participate  in  No-Nonsense  Nurturers      the following protocols will be activated:
             November 3            (NNN)  Training.  These  distinguished
             Election Day          teachers will have access to coaching to        •  Teacher will follow the protocols for
                                   build  their  capacity  to  increase  their         home contact steps and document
            November 11            effectiveness in creating an environment            in Power School.
            Veteran’s Day
                                   of  respect  and  rapport,  establishing  a     •  Teacher will provide direct
            November 16            culture  for  learning,  and  managing              intervention and support for the
       Hybrid Instruction Begins   classroom  procedures  and  student                 student at risk of failing.
                                   behavior.                                       •  Teacher will direct the student to
            November 23                                                                sign up for the academic intervention
         Mid-Quarters Mailed       No-Nonsense  Nurturers  (NNNs)  are  a              lab to receive tutoring and support.
                                   community  of  educators  who  build  life-
            November 25            altering relationships with students while      •  Administrators will schedule those
            Early Dismissal        setting  high  expectations  and  holding           students into Academic Labs on a
                                   themselves    and    their   students               weekly basis as well as by teacher
           November 26-27          accountable  for  achievement.  We  are             recommendation.
         Thanksgiving Holiday      honored  to  have  members  of  our  staff      •  Teacher will differentiate instruction
                Break              participate in this program. To hear more           and offer multiple opportunities to
                                   from  teachers,  principals,  and  district         master the lesson.
            December 18            leaders who partner with CT3, click the
           2  Quarter Ends         link below to watch the 3-minute video.         •  Academy Leaders will compile a
                                                                                       monthly list [OF WHAT?] and share
                                                                                       with teachers so the team can work
                                   CT3: Impact in Council of Great                     on intervention strategies for
                                   City Schools Member Districts                       students.
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