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CO-TEACHING                                     TRIUMPHING OVER TRUANCY

                                                                                      INTERVENTION PROGRAM
                                    Many teachers are excited about engaging in co-
        Goal 1: Collaborate with    teaching to deliver collaborative and differentiated   We  are  so  excited  to share with  you  that  we
        project partners and        services to our students! This collaborative
                                                                                have been awarded a grant to help us to support
        local providers in order    approach allows all students to remain in the   our students that have had chronic attendance
        to develop policies and     general education classroom as a least restrictive   issues. As a part of this intervention, we have
        practices aimed at          environment option. This year we are embarking   been able to add two Truancy officers to help
                                    on strengthening our co-teaching practices as a
        improved identification                                                 support  this  intervention.  The  truancy  team
                                    district. We are so excited about providing this level
        and service provision for   of support to contribute to positive outcomes for our   including  our  truancy  officers  will  be  working
        children exposed to                                                     with  families  and  students  to  get  them  re-
        trauma and violence.                                                    engaged in the learning process using a three-
                                    With each of the sessions that we have each co-  tier problem solving process.  Students may be
        Goal 2: Strengthen the                                                  linked  with  any  of  the  following  supports  to
                                    teaching team will be provided a participant guide
        ability to recognize child   that includes materials, resources, templates, etc.   remove barriers that may impact engagement:
        and youth victims of        to support your learning and track progress
        trauma by fostering         throughout the year.                         •  Increase parent outreach and engagement
        community and service                                                    •  Celebrations
                                    Here is a great resource regarding co-teaching   •  Mentorship
        system awareness and        virtually.
        appropriate screening       teaching-where-to-start-and-how-to-maintain-focus-  •  SEL supports
        practices.                  on-student-learning                          •  Inter-agency referrals (assistance with legal
                                                                                    medical, mental health, housing, financial,
        Goal 3: Connect young                                                       and safety)
                                    Here are the topics presented this year:
        victims and their families                                              Please reach out to the following individuals for
        to appropriate resources    SEMESTER 1                                  more  information  on  the  Truancy  Intervention
        and services and            •  Inclusive Norms                          Program.
        collaborate cross           •  Creating a vision
        systems in support of       •  Establishing expectations                Program Managers:
                                    •  Learning Environment                     Ms. Mary Creer
        care coordination and to
                                    •  Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and Supports   Mr. Brendan McHugh
        facilitate effective        •  Collaboration and communication
        referral processes.
                                    SEMESTER 2                                  Truancy Officers:
        Goal 4: Promote             •  Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and Supports   Mr. Lance Jefferson
                                                                                Officer Bruce Ford
        practices that engage       •  Parent, Family, and Community Engagement
        young persons who have      •  Reflection and Planning for 2021-2022
                                    •  Progress Monitoring
        experienced victimization
        and their family            NO MORE ZEROS                                RICH TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL
        members in an array of                                                                 DISTRICT 227
                                    Rich Township High School District 227 will       20550 S CICERO AVENUE
        services that are                                                                 MATTESON, IL 60443
                                    transition from a 100-point grading scale to a
        culturally specific and     50-point grading scale effective January 5, 2021      P 708.679.5800 F 708.679.5733
        humble, accessible, and     with the start of the second semester of the
        relevant by developing      2020-2021 school year.   The singular most     DR. JOHNNIE THOMAS
        the professional            important distinction between the two systems is   Superintendent
                                    the “F” grade range.  The lowest value an “F”
        workforce and enhancing                                                 DR. STEPHEN BOURNE
                                    grade will have in the new system will be 50 as   Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services
        service capacity and        opposed to the lowest value being 0 in the
        quality.                    current system.  This range aligns with the range   JEFF BONOMO
                                    of the A, B, C, and D grades.   This system does   Director of Curriculum and Data

                                    less educational harm to our students and affords   DR. IYUNA HARRIS
                                    students the opportunity to actually improve   Director of Student Services
                                    their grade once they have experienced failure.       JANICE WELLS
                                                                                Director of Fine Arts & IB
                                    CURRENT F = 59-0       NEW F = 59-50
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