Page 316 - Draft
P. 316
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As we prepare to transition from full
Summary in 60 is a remote instruction to hybrid on November • MTSS Coordinators will provide
16 , we want to remind staff about the
classroom activity that will professional development for
have your students protocols for grading, attendance, teachers and will generate a list of
instruction, and parent contact:
showing connections and interventions/best practices based
understanding beyond upon the appropriate tier.
basic rote memorization • MTSS Coordinators will facilitate
and regurgitation. parent meetings for those identified
Students work in small Tier 2 and 3 students and assist
groups to create a 60- teachers with implementation of
interventions as well as progress
second “summary script” monitoring when appropriate.
of an idea, learning
experience, reading or
event. They will develop Here are a few blog posts to
summaries, brainstorm support teachers, coaches, and
unique ways to present
the summaries, and • Grades will be updated at laeders to be stronger No-
include catchy gimmicks least 1x/week with a minimum Nonsense Nurturers:
to make the summary of one grade per week, and
stick for their audience. entered by all teachers on Setting Purpose for Your Students in a
Fridays by 3:30 p.m. Virtual Learning Environment
Once students have
developed and practiced • Students will receive timely Being a No-Nonsense Nurturer Coach in
the summary script, they feedback and grades on a Virtual World
video-record the a consistent and ongoing basis.
summary. The video • Live contact home with the family Five Ways Leaders Can Support
Teachers in a Virtual World
summary can last no for unengaged student.
longer than 60 seconds.
• For each class period,
Summary in 60 has your teachers are required to report RICH TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL
students practicing all the attendance through PowerSchool DISTRICT 227
4Cs of 21 -century by either marking students 20550 S CICERO AVENUE
learning -creating, absent or present. P 708.679.5800 F 708.679.5733
communicating, and DR. JOHNNIE THOMAS
critically thinking (Wormeli All teachers were issued Summarization in Superintendent
and Stafford, 2019). Any Subject:60 Innovative, Tech-Infused DR. STEPHEN BOURNE
Strategies for Deeper Student Learning by Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services
Rick Wormeli and Debra Stafford in
August. In order to prepare for Rick Director of Curriculum and Data
Wormeli, who will be our Winter Institute DR. IYUNA HARRIS
Day Speaker, we encourage our teachers Director of Student Services
to practice using a different JANICE WELLS
summarization strategy each week. Director of Fine Arts & IB