Page 50 - Draft
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The Schoology system is fully implemented now, and with some of our students back to in-person
               instruction, students start their day by scanning into the KIOSK at the main entrance and their
               classrooms for attendance. Other areas of scanning include the Media Center, lunchroom, and specific
               office areas. We continue to work with the campus administration to refine and improve the processes.
               We also created a work order system for staff to report any issues directly to Scholarchip.

               Technology work at the Transition Center has begun, our vendor is actively installing security
               cameras, access control, internet, and wireless access systems.

               We have started meeting internally for online registration. This year we want to begin the process
               earlier so parents will have ample time to complete their online registration. Additional information
               and dates will be provided as soon as they become available.

               Business Office

               Financial Information

               Attached is the fund balance summary report. This information shows the fund balance by fund
               through February 28, 2021.

                                                  Beginning                                Income/(Net
               Fund      Description               Balance      Revenues     Expenditures    Deficit)  Ending Balance
                       Operating Funds
                  10    Education                           22,871,534           33,875,152              (30,265,502)           3,609,651             26,481,184
                  20    Operations/Maintenance                4,488,318              2,310,967                 (3,378,765)         (1,067,798)               3,420,520
                  40    Transportation                        4,828,628              3,385,030                    (837,511)           2,547,518                7,376,146
                  50    IMRF - FICA/Medicare                  3,511,444              1,439,108                 (1,048,684)               390,423                3,901,868
                  70    Working Cash                          4,598,084                 177,554                               -               177,554                4,775,639
                       Total Operating Funds                40,298,008           41,187,811              (35,530,462)       5,657,349                     45,955,357

                       Non-Operating Funds
                  30    Debt Service                          6,077,946              2,385,567                 (7,088,722)         (4,703,154)               1,374,792
                  60    Capital Projects                 106,544,704                    37,450              (10,495,642)       (10,458,192)            96,086,511
                  80    Tort                                  1,847,650                 894,174                 (1,295,072)             (400,898)               1,446,752
                  90    Life Safety                           3,468,683                 228,626                               -               228,626                3,697,309

                       Total Non-Operating Funds           117,938,982              3,545,818              (18,879,436)      (15,333,619)               102,605,363

               Grand Total                               158,236,990           44,733,628              (54,409,898)       (9,676,270)                 148,560,720

               Statement of Economic Interest – Reminder
               State law requires Cook County elected officials, appointed officials, and certain local and county
               government employees to file a Statement of Economic Interest with the Clerk's office each year. A
               reminder email will be sent to the individuals that must complete the form. Please check your spam

               Please note: Individuals who file after the deadline must pay a $15 late fee per year for each year they
               are required to file and past due.
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