Page 78 - Draft
P. 78

Business Office

                                          Statement of Economic Interest-Reminder
               In accordance with the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act, more than 900 units of government and over
               22,000 public officials and employees must submit ethics filings to the Clerk's office. Government
               agencies provide a list of people who must file a Statement of Economic Interests. You may file online
               at: SEI Online (  The filing deadline is May 1, 2021.  Late filings will be
               accessed a fee.

               Audit Engagement
               On May 15, 2018, the Board of Education approved a three-year engagement of Miller Cooper as the
               district’s financial auditor.  The final year of the engagement was June 2020. The firm assisted the
               district in the successful creation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report beginning with the
               2020 financial audit. It is recommended that Miller Cooper continue as financial auditor for the 2021
               fiscal year because the engagement will provide continuity with the next financial audit.


               The Board of Education will be asked to approve field house and consolidation construction bids.
               Preliminary results indicate that the bids are aligned with the proposed budget for these projects. More
               information will be presented at the Board meeting.

               Financial Information

               Attached is the fund balance summary report. This information shows the fund balance by fund
               through March 31, 2021. The balances include the proceeds the March property tax payments of $18.5
               million. The eight-month financial activities yield a surplus of $4.6 million in all funds. However, the
               surplus is $18.6 million in the operating funds.
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