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P. 224
General Information
The District is in partnership with the parent company of Cook Illinois Corporation to transport
students. American School Bus Company, Illinois School Bus, Paige Bus Company, and Kickert
School Bus are the main providers that support our students. We also use a variety of other
transportation providers to support our special needs and McKinney Vento students.
The Director of Transportation is responsible for all transportation to and from school for District
227 students. Regular transportation is provided to all students residing within our District
boundaries and live more than 1.5 miles away from the school, along with ensuring students that
have a boundary exception to be routed to the proper campus. Boundary exceptions are any
students that live in a campus boundary line, but attend the other campus due to the selected
Currently, there are 34 routes that service our students that attend the STEM and Fine Arts and
Communications campuses: 18 for the STEM campus (89 stops) and 16 for the Fine Arts and
Communications campus (73 stops). An inter campus shuttle service is also provided to students
traveling between campuses during the school day.
Students attending off campus classes at Prairie State College for dual credit and/or job
shadowing, are provided with transportation as well.
With the changes to the bus routing and stops brought on by the consolidation, we have
established a designated page on the website where information can be found regarding
In addition to the day-to-day transportation, the director is responsible for transportation for
athletic and activities which include other performance groups such as choir, marching band,
jazz band, and drama. Although, athletic and activity trips are mainly addressed through the
Athletic Directors office, there are times transportation when transportation is scheduled for
various events or groups. Field trips is another big area that requires attention and transportation.
Since the pandemic started in March of last year, all field trips have become virtual in nature and
the amount of buses that have been needed for extra-curricular events have dropped significantly.
Due to the hybrid model that school district has adopted, we have added a bus service to pick
students up from their home stops and have brought them in for practices and competitions.
The director is also responsible for processing the transportation invoices, state reimbursement
claims, facilitating the Request for Proposals and contract bidding protocols.
As the 2020-2021 school began, we continued to use the KissFlow system to process field trips.
The KissFlow system allows teachers to digitally request field trips. Due to the COVID
restrictions all field trips have been virtual in nature, so transportation has not been needed.
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