Page 227 - draft
P. 227
Athletics and Activities
When the decision was made to consolidate, we knew there was a lot of work involved with
several moving pieces; including staffing the programs through impact bargaining, determining
facilities where each team will practice and compete, a mascot selection, and branding efforts.
When COVID closed schools in March of last year, we had to pause a lot of plans to wait and
see what the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the Illinois High School
Association (IHSA) were going to do with high school athletics, but we were able to continue
our efforts in ensuring the facilities, equipment, and uniforms were ready when we were given
the go ahead.
Through impact bargaining, we were able to secure appropriate staffing for the increase of levels
for each of our athletic and activity programs. With our coaches and sponsors in place, we started
the discussion of how to continue to offer opportunities to our students virtually, while dealing
with the unknown future due to COVID-19.
COVID Protocols
In response to the pandemic, we have worked in creating strict guidance to ensure all of athletes
and staff are safe when conducting practices and competitions.
Practice/Competition Parameters
Sessions will meet the following guidelines:
● Face coverings must be worn at all times.
● Maintain social distancing by being 6 feet apart during participation.
● Implement diligent and effective cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched objects
and surfaces following the CDC guidance.
Student Guidelines
Students must:
● Register on 8to18:
● Have a current physical on file
● Bring and use their own equipment
o Water bottles
o Shoes
o Towels
● Wash their hands before and after participation
**No locker rooms or water fountains will be used**
Health and Hygiene Requirements
All coaches will be a D227 employee. Volunteer coaches must go through the necessary
screening requirements prior to working with a program. Please have them visit the employment
link on the website to complete a volunteer application.
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