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All facility upgrades are ongoing projects that have not been completed as of yet. We are
               beginning phase II in early spring of 2021.

               Mascot Selection Process

               For years the District has been represented by the Olympians, the Rockets, and the Stars! Now,
               becoming one school with two campuses and one athletic program means changes for all three
               schools. One change is the selection of a new mascot.

               Through the voting process last year, the mascot became the Raiders by less than a percentage
               point.  Issues arose when trying to develop a mascot that was different from the many other high
               school in our area that are called the Raiders, as well as representing our district with a mascot
               that has a less than positive connotation. Working through the issues, it was decided to take the
               stakeholder’s second choice and become the Rich Township Raptors.

               It took months to unsuccessfully create a Raiders mascot; however, the Raptor mascot was
               created in little under three weeks. Please see the district’s brand (artifact C).

               Community Partnerships

               Currently, we are working with the youth football programs in the area to create a true feeder
               program for the district; the Jr Raptors. Through this partnership, we will be able to prepare our
               youth program athletes for their time in Rich Township.  This will also highlight the positive
               reasons for these rising Raptors to remain in the district.

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