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CTE Certification Trend Data
Student Industry 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Auto Service 18 18 N/A
Excellence (ASE)
Microsoft Office 28 13 24
Suite (MOS)
National Institute for 24 19 N/A
Metal Working Skills
QuickBooks 4 2 5
Servsafe Food 11 175 174
Student Electronic 12 3 N/A
Tech. (SET)
Entrepreneur/Small 11 6 9
Management (ESB)
Occupational Safety N/A 13 73
and Health
Cardiopulmonary N/A 54 53
resuscitation (CPR)
Valvoline Oil N/A 55 N/A
CISCO Network N/A 10 N/A
Computer Support N/A 13 75
Forklift* N/A 13 N/A
*indicates certification from Prairie State College
The data table above represents the industry certifications students earned in Applied Tech,
Business/Finance, Health Science, and Culinary courses. For the 2020-21 school year, the
expectation is all students will earn the required industry credentials associated with the
particular course.
Based on the student enrollment at Prairie State College and the course selection, some
industry certifications may not be offered. This is the case for the indication of N/A.