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Continued work with furniture consultant for furniture at the campuses to ensure that instructional
spaces are appropriately and equitably furnished for students with various needs and collaborative
space for teachers.
Continued working Laserfiche to develop a paperless filing system for special education records of our
back dated records.
Virtual Parent Transition Meeting facilitated by the Department of Human Services and the RTHS
Transition Coordinators.
RTHS Life Skills Center-The construction team has broken ground. We were able to procure a
building permit from the Village of Olympia Fields and the Regional Office of Education. The
plumbing has been completed and the construction team is working on the nurse’s station. We have a
projected opening date during the week of January 12, 2021. There have been some difficulties that
have been experienced due to the holiday. We are awaiting a potential updated timeframe.
English Language Learners (ELL)
In collaboration with the ELL team facilitated the Bilingual Parent Committee that was available via
google meets in the top three languages (English, Spanish, and Vietnamese) for our families.
In preparation of the January administration of ACCESS testing, worked with the campuses and
technology to ensure successful implementation of this state mandated test. On December 17, ISBE
communicated that the test administration has been delayed until March 15, 2021.
Attended and represented the District at the Regional English Language Learner Bilingual Director
Committee meeting.
Climate and Culture
In Partnership with the Climate and Culture Coordinators, social workers, and SEL Coach identified a
SEL screener to be used as a pilot for students starting in January. The SEL screener will be piloted
with STAR Academy for this year.
Professional Development
Facilitated and/or Collaborated
Ongoing Real-time Teacher Coaches-10 campus administrators
Facilitating remote assessments- School Psychologist
TACTIC Trauma Informed Training-SEL team
Naviance- Transition Coordinators
McKinney Vento- Truancy, College Liaisons, Residency Officers, and Registrars
Fund Codes- Special Education facilitation Staff
LEA training-IEP manager