Page 151 - Beltex Year Book 2024
P. 151

Supreme ticket went to the winners of the pure Beltex lamb
class, Reserve was the 70-80kg weight winners.
The Cornish Winter Fair at Wadebridge saw first time exhibitors
at this event sweep the broad with some outstanding lambs.
Austen and Michelle Lockyer travelled down from Somerset for
the day and went home very happy. With just about every breed
of continental lambs at this show the Beltex lambs definitely
showed what breed is the best.
South West Winter Fair at Sedgmoor Market saw a new record
price for the show lambs. The Lockyer family once again came
out on top with their champions at 49kg, £380, 776p per to Still
Man Butchers. Reserve Champion went to Paul and Lin Calcraft’s
57kg, £298, 523p to the Meatmen. Over in the carcass section
the Lockyer family again came out on top with their 30.5kg,
£240, and Reserve went to R and J Carter at 21kg, £150.
The final major primestock show in Cornwall was Truro. This show
always has the support of many local butchers looking for top
quality lambs and with this another record price was achieved
when the champion pair from Paul and Lin Calcraft sold for £360
or 713p per kg to JV Richards.
A big thank you to everyone who does the primestock shows
with many smaller/local shows well supported.I wish I could
mention you all but I don’t think Kayley would let me have half
the Year Book!
Now with lambing in full swing the past year has been a bit of a
challenge with the weather – last summer being a wash out,
then a mini heatwave when it was tupping time that has now
caused another headache with a lot of cases of Schmallenberg
lambs happening it has been utterly heartbreaking to see.
The heatwave didn’t last too long as it started raining again and
I don’t think it has stopped with waterlogged fields the last few
months has been challenging again but hopefully someone will
turn the tap off up there and the sheep can finally go back out
to enjoy some nice green grass again.

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