Page 38 - Teach us how to Pray - Book Layout - PDF
P. 38


              When  George  Barna  surveyed  several  hundred  senior  pastors  in
              2005  to  determine  their  top  three  ministry  positions,  the  results
              were  revealing.  Discipleship  and  spiritual  development  received
              47%, Evangelism, and outreach 46%, and preaching 35%. Prayer was
              not even competing and came in at 3%. Only 3% of pastors listed
              prayer as their primary priority for ministry.

               This sounds terrible. But let me ask you, how often do you pray
                  for this church and for God’s work to go forward in our midst
                  and from our midst?

              READ ACTS 1:8

               What did Jesus command the disciples to do after He ascended
                    into heaven (verse 4)?

                  If you were one of the disciples, how would you have
                   interpreted this command?

                  How do you think the disciples felt when Jesus left them?

              4  Rekindling Passion for Prayer 2009 James Bank p.19
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