Page 39 - Teach us how to Pray - Book Layout - PDF
P. 39
What do you think the chances were that they remembered
the words Jesus spoke to them earlier as recorded in
Matthew 18:19-20? How could that have been a comfort to
Now, look at Acts 1:14 and comment on their actions.
See the frequency and occurrences of prayer in the following
passages and comment:
o Acts 1:24
o Acts 2:42
o Acts 3:1-10 (Prayer and the first miracle)
o Acts 4:24-30 & 31 (Effect)
o Acts 6:1-4 (What did the apostles focus on? What does it
tell us?)
o Acts 12:5, 12-17; Also look at Acts 21:5
o 2 Corinthians 1:9-11 (Force of prayer in ministry)
Some conclusions regarding prayer in the first congregations
o It belongs to the life of a Christian to pray (see Acts 9:11)
o Apart from personal prayer, corporate prayer was
particularly important in the first churches. See Acts
12:5,12 & 13:1-3.
o No important decision was ever made in the church
without prayer (Acts 1:24 & 6:6)
o Prayer was an essential part of the activities that
characterized the first churches (Acts 2:42)