Page 43 - Teach us how to Pray - Book Layout - PDF
P. 43

              2  Qualification: Humility

                 Read Luke 18:9-14 and also 1 Peter 5:6-7 -

              3  Qualification: Thankfulness

                  Read Philippians 4:6

                       What is the difference between “made known to God”
                        and demand?

                  Read Ezra 9:6
                       “O my God, I am ashamed and embarrassed to lift up my
                        face to Thee, my God, for our iniquities have risen above
                        our heads, and our guilt has grown even to the heavens.”
                        How does this part of Ezra’s prayer strike you?

                   Talk about the following:
                        o  Why do you need to believe when you pray?
                        o  What then about the “unanswered” prayer?
                        o  What  cause  you  to  be  humble  and  why  is  this
                        o  What fill you with gratitude and why is this essential
                            for our prayers?

              7.2    THE HOLY SPIRIT AND OUR PRAYERS

                 Read Romans 8:26 again and recall an earlier study on what
                    it means that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us.

                        o  He  is  the  One  who  helps  us  pray  when  we  don’t
                            know what to pray
                      o  Like a lawyer, He represents our case before God
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