Page 46 - Teach us how to Pray - Book Layout - PDF
P. 46

Praying with a focus on ourselves and our needs

               Read the following passages and get answers to the questions:

                       1.  Acts 8:22
                       2.  Philippians 4:6
                       3.  1 Peter 5:6-7
                       4.  Matthew 6:33

                 ▪  List the things, based on our own needs, we could pray for?
                 ▪  Why may we pray for our own physical and material needs?
                 ▪  Does Philippians 4:6 mean that we could pray for anything?
                     How do we have to understand this?
                 ▪  What do we learn about priorities in our prayers from Matt
                 ▪  Why do we have to make known our requests before God
                     when He knows everything?
                 ▪  Calvin said, “not because we don’t trust God, but to prevent
                     that our own faith will fall asleep.”
                 ▪  Thus,  for  our  own  sake,  we  bring  our  needs  before  the
                     Almighty God and our Father who knows what we need.

              Larger Catechism on these topics
              Q. 183. For whom are we to pray? A. We are to pray for the whole
              church of Christ upon the earth; (f) for magistrates, (g) and ministers;
              (h) for ourselves, (I) our brethren, (k) yea, our enemies; (l) and for all
              sorts of men living, (m) or that shall live hereafter; (n) but not for the
              dead, (o) nor for those that are known to have sinned the sin unto
              death. (p)

              f) Eph. 6:18 g) 1 Tim. 2:1–2.h) Col.4:3. i) Gen 32:11. k) James 5:16. l) Matt
              5:44. m) 1 Tim 2:1-2. n) John 17:20. o) 2 Sam 12:21-23. p) 1 John 5:16.

              Praying with a focus on God and God’s work
              Our prayers are always directed to God. We pray to Him, the living
              God.  We  speak  to  Him  as  our  heavenly  Father  because  of  the
              atonement of Jesus Christ. But apart from addressing Him, we also
              have to focus in our prayers, on God and His work in us, immediately
              around us, and in this big wide world. When we focus in our prayers
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