Page 47 - Teach us how to Pray - Book Layout - PDF
P. 47
on Him, we bless and glorify Him as God for all He is and because of
all the wonderful attributes, He possesses.
When we pray about His work we also ask God to further His work
on earth for His own Name’s sake, to continue to rule His church, to
preserve her, to strengthen her, to break the evil attacks of Satan
on God’s kingdom and thus pray, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be
done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Read 1 Corinthians 3:9, Colossians 4:2-3 and Revelation 8:3-5
▪ How could a sinner like you and I pray for the Kingdom of God
and the furtherance of His work; does the Lord not take care
of His own business?
▪ How does God use us then in the executing of His Kingdom's
▪ Does our prayer have a place in God’s execution of His work
here on earth?
a. Have you declared yourself willing to work in God’s kingdom?
b. How are your prayers focused on God’s work in the church and
this world?
c. One of my colleagues, Dr. Flip Buys, once in the early ’90s said,
“God rules our land and the world from our prayer closets.”
What do you think was the point he wanted to make? What does
it say about the place of our prayers in God’s eternal counsel?
d. When do you think we are worthy co-workers in God’s
Praying with a focus on giving thanks and worshiping God
Prayers in the New Testament which focus on God Himself consist
of thanksgiving and worship or praise. We could not separate these
two actions from each other. What do you think the difference is?