Page 10 - 15_PBC to Begg_10-5-16 (11pp)
P. 10
Hopefully the threatened referral to our freeholders, the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber), the Fraud Squad and indeed anybody else over and above Mr Belafonte at RBK&C has not been instigated in further libelling MHML or its Directors as the consequences, given the evidence we’ve supplied to date, will be very serious indeed for Mrs Hillgarth, over and above our Solicitor’s recent letter requesting her compliances.
Add to that my somewhat calling into question why on earth you initially wrote a 13pp letter of gossip and innuendo as opposed to a simple 5 line letter of request for the documents your required?
Surely it would have far more sensible to have simply viewed the documentation first and then raised the impertinent issues in your 13pp, 23 April 2016 initial letter. It seems inconceivable that you did not expect a lengthy denial to your thirteen pages or possibly you simply hoped for the resignation you demanded and the requested £88,683.04 be repaid almost overnight.
As is well established you did not do as above and as such we (MHML) were obliged to respond to all obser- vations made in your 13pp letter of 23 March 2016 which we have done amply disproving all and every point you raised as well as voluntarily agreeing to supply the requested documents despite the fact it would appear we had no legal obligation to do so as they were requested outside of the statutory 6 month period permitted as per your client's lease.
An offer to comply I would remind you, you ignored as did Mrs Hillgarth.
Just how many more times will Mrs Hillgarth attempt her devious iniquitous behaviour in pursuit of MHML and myself, God only knows, but it is now verging on financial suicide following our total dissemination and 100% confirmed vindication of MHML during both her attempted RTM and her Scots Group enquiries, both of which like your recent foray into her voluminous correspondence were or are, in the case of this latest skirmish, also totally refuted, totally demolished and again totally vindicating myself and MHML, I would propose.
But if I'm in any respect incorrect, misinformed, wrong then I stand corrected but must warn you that any reply had better be 100% true, legally enforceable and comprehensible as we will without doubt fight Mrs Hillgarth in court based in the evidence so far communicated along with reams of further evidence still held on file.
The 10 invoices you requested re: the works indisputably amount to £105,877 and the other three you require indisputably also evidence amounts spent etc on Water Tank, TVSky etc all of which will yet again add cre- dence to Mrs Hillgarth's almost proven paranoia over MHML's ability to manage and maintain Mitre House to an economic standard she could only dream of by using alternative outside Agents. And honestly.
Outside Agents, I would add, she feels she could control with more confidence in pursuit of her own agenda and not for the benefit of all lessees at Mitre House, rich or poor? But were she laying this whole episode on outside Agents she would have received initially one or two polite and to the point 7 line denials. Followed no doubt by one or two less polite 3 liners.
And most likely a stern reminder of their legal obligations to her, based on her lease, and most likely being forced to comply with her lease covenants immediately if not before, long before our recent Solicitor’s letter.
If we are still legally obliged to comply with, or without, apologies and confirmations to the disproven slurs and innuendos levied against us to date, please advise within 48 hours and you'll have the 13 invoices requested within 24 hours. But be aware of the legality of your reply as we will have it verified.
We’ve wasted far too much time on this nonsense as indeed we have over the years with Mrs Hillgarth’s constant bickering, whining and misunderstandings. As both she and you, somewhat alarmingly, repeat in correspondence ...this has to stop! A very untypical legal expression I would deduce.
A copy of my letter to Mr Belafonte is attached as indeed will a copy of this letter be sent to Mr Belafonte, which no doubt he will find mind-numbing in the extreme and hopefully will appreciate he was misinformed by you and yet more time and energy and no doubt costs incurred unnecessarily.
Acknowledgement or reply please, Mr Begg, within 48 hours or we will consider the matter closed. At present you have not acknowledged our letters 16th and 27th April 2016 so we cannot be certain they were received despite both being, as is this, couriered to your office on the 9th Floor (Tarsus Group we are presuming) at the Metro Building, 1 Butterwick, Hammersmith, London W6 8DL