Page 11 - 15_PBC to Begg_10-5-16 (11pp)
P. 11

Hardly relevant information save for we were obliged to answer in some detail your 23 March 2016 thirteen page letter which hopefully we have done in an exemplary manner leaving no queries ignored, unacknowl- edged, nor avoided, including a voluntary compliance for the requested invoices.
And in finale, your correspondence to date totals 17 pages (23 March/13pp, 31 March/2pp, 15 April/2pp) plus 2pp from Mr Belafonte (19pp in toto) instigated by your goodself and requiring reply and comment.
My correspondence in reply (leaving aside those comments attached to your correspondence) amount to 33pages (29 March/2pp, 1 April/2pp, 8 April/4pp, 16 April/4pp, 27 April/9pp and 10 May/11pp and 27 April/1pp to Mr Belafonte) but 25 of those remain unacknowledged nor replied to, leaving your 19pp well in advance of my 8pp sent and acknowledged and replied to.
Hence our time and costs mounting up considerably in dealing with this unwarranted abuse of our company.
As we have come to expect with Mrs Hillgarth over the years [and made pretty evident in our correspondence to date], most if not all, meaning the disproved slurs and lack of requested apologies, lease compliance etc, and certainly our offer to comply, are/were as ever and somewhat predictably, totally ignored.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Brown-Constable
cc S. Karupiah Esq, Dima International Ltd
S. Belafonte Esq., Tenancy Relations Officer, RBK&C (no attachments though)

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