Page 9 - 15_PBC to Begg_10-5-16 (11pp)
P. 9

for the moment escapes me - but all arranged, organised, project managed and executed by MHML with pro- fessional recognised authorised personnel where required (NICEIC Electricians etc) and all executed within the specified agreed budget of £105.019 with a small but highly regrettable overspend of £858 making a grand total spent of £105,877
s) hopefully Mrs Hillgarth is now aware that (almost) none of the above was in her Wade tender nor any other, including AR Lawrence’s but was well indicated in MHML’s initial 2011, 2012 budgets for internals for £25k
t) and as regards how MHML were able to fund these very extensive additional workings we can confirm that within all the tendered quotes were some overly extensive contingencies which, thanks again to MHML’s very close observation 24/7 during the actual works whilst in progress we were able to keep a very close eye on any use of these contingencies and as such, what with a few other impressive savings, including some eventual negotiations and discounts on the Skytv and Water Tank final costs (due mainly to having the scaffolding in place as regards the Water Tank especially) we had sufficient funds to execute the above additional workings and stay very close to the agreed budget of £105,019 as per the June 22nd 2014 s.20
u) and Mrs Hillgarth and other lessees was fully advised and details published on our website of our hoped for intention to do the above workings so long as we could remain with agreed budgets - we did, almost.
v) if we are incorrect in our assumptions then please advise and we will send another ream of copy emails to fully substantiate our comments on all points above including the lessees additional workings requests, with lit- tle or indeed no regard whatsoever as to how they were to be funded - leaving that to our skills no doubt.
w) and as regards a final comment on any proven operating organised consensus as oft referred to in some lessees’s correspondence, most notably Mrs Hillgarth and Fat 9, we would request firm email confirmations to that effect from each separate individual lessee that either Mrs Hillgarth was representing them as a single voice, or they had given their proxy vote to Mrs Hillgarth to vote on their behalf, or indeed they had replied to MHML’s correspondence when requested of firm confirmation of additional very extensive fundings etc (exam- ples of which are well in evidence in the bundle A-ZZ). We would welcome sight of these requested email con- firmations from even four of a supposed majority let alone the virtual six, in the period 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2014. It is fully admitted (above) we did, though, receive individual notifications re: Benitor Tender...!
Don’t bother, they don’t exist. All that existed was a disparate, disorientated, uncommunicative and totally misin- formed set of various lessees once Mrs Hillgarth involved herself and began her mischiefmaking, most of whom were not even resident, one of whom was an offshore company owner and all of whom were totally misinformed with totally erroneous and ill-informed gossip and innuendo perpetrated by Mrs Hillgarth in pursuit of her own agenda and in no way for the benefit of all lessees most especially those less well off than she and some other sub-letting lessees.
Items A-ZZZ attached and all previous copy correspondence fully evidences this fact despite the various and multiple accusations levied at myself and MHML in your correspondence to date most especially your initial thirteen page diatribe dated 23 March 2016 - and once the famous thirteen invoices are viewed and verified, Mrs Hillgarth will yet again be proved a congenital complaining troublemaker who has singlehandedly turned Mitre House from a friendly neighbourly residence into a den (or rather a small coterie) of understandably distrusting suspicious and dissatisfied lessees.
You will note though that throughout all correspondence, everybody is referred to by Christian names (including myself) which well evidences the situation of friendliness and neighbourliness we all enjoyed for years at Mitre House with our Residents Association until Mrs Hillgarth decided to make her unwelcome presence felt as is proof perfect evidenced in her previous correspondence with our previous Agents as not wishing to be a party to and simply preferred chastisement, threats and an apparent inability to absorb facts.
Her relationship with our previous agents was identical to that we are (and have) experiencing with her. Toxic.
I am presuming you remain incapacitated or Mrs Hillgarth is as usual absent or you have come to the conclu- sion that everything you were told by your client, Mrs Hillgarth, is somewhat far from being true, accurate nor worthy of repeating as all her comments have been totally decimated over the personal insults to myself and MHML. She is also apparently out of time with reference to your opportunistic and disputed legal threats due to her poor memory and proven inability to comprehend advice and instructions such as the numerous documents she requested, on not one or two occasions, but on multiple occasions almost too numerous to list.

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