P. 10

Meaning of narrative text

                             A  narrative  text  is  a  text,  which  relates  a
                             series of  logically, and chronologically related
                             events  that  are  caused  or  experienced  by
                             factors. Literally, narrative text is one type of
                             text in English that  presents a fictional story
                             according  to  the  systematic  and  imagination

                             of  the author.

                                                                               Do  you  know  what

                                                                               the  social  function
                                                                               and  structure  of

                                                                               narrative text are?
                                                                                     Let's talk!!!

                   Please read the materials below!!!

                                                             The social function of narrative texts is none
                                .                            other than to entertain the reader, and as a

                                  Social Function            medium  to  convey  moral  messages  that
                                                             deserve  to  be  studied  and  practiced  in  the
                                                             context of everyday life.

                                                                 1.  Orientation            For more detail
                                                                 2.  Complication          explanation, please
                                                                                            understand the
                                Structure Text                   3.  Resolution            materials below!!
                                                                 4.  Reorientation

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