P. 11

Detail Explanation of the Structure Text :

                          a.   Orientation
                                   Orientation is the opening paragraph of the text that introduces
                          who the characters are involved in the incident (who) and the time setting
                          (when) and the place  behind the incident (where).

                          b.   Complications
                              Complications located after orientation is complete. Complication

                          consists of paragraphs that describe the beginning of the problem. The
                          beginning of this problem also begins a series of plots (storylines) which

                          will then continue to conflict, climax, and anti-climax of the story.
                          Generally, complications contain interactions between event actors. This
                             interaction creates a conflict
                          c.   Resolution

                              Resolution is the paragraph that ends the story. In this section,
                          there is a settlement that makes the storyline end.
                          d.   Reorientation

                             Reorientation is a closing sentence that tells the last condition of the
                          character in the story or the moral message of the story.

                         Types of Narrative Text

                                                   A  fable  is  a  short  allegorical  narrative
                      FABEL                        making  a  moral  point,  traditionally  by
                                                   means  of  animal  characters  who  speak
                                                   and act like human beings.

                                                   A legend is a narrative of human actions that

                      LEGEND                       are perceived both by tellers and listeners to
                                                   take  place  within  human  history.  Typically,  a
                                                   legend  is  a  short,  traditional  and  historic
                                                   narrative performed in a conversational mode.

                                                    Fairy tale is an English language term for a type
                                                    of short narrative corresponding to the French
                   FAIRY TALE
                                                    phrase  “conte  de  fée”.  A  fairy  tale  typically
                                                    features  such  folkloric  characters  as  fairies,
                                                    goblins, elves.

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