Page 2 - What's Indiana General been cooking up in memory products
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Indiana  General discovered  memory cores

               Today,   Indiana  General   is  the  largest  inde-  applications for  lGC  memory  cores  included
               pendent producer and sel ler of memory cores      Univac's first commercial computer, and the
               in  the  world.  But  it's  always  been  that  way.  SAGE  Early  Warning  System.
                                          It   started   in   the  The  production  of  memory cores  soon  led
                                        late   1940's.           Indiana  General  into  the  stringing of  planes.
                                          Dr.   Ernst  Albers-   Logically, the  next step was the  assembly of
                                        Schoenberg  of  In-      complete   memory   arrays.   This   beginning,
                                        diana      General's     and  a  continued  program  of  advance  plan-
                                        Electronics  Division    ning   emphasizing    material     development,
                                        in   Keasbey,   New      core   technology   and   stacking   techniques,
                                        Jersey,   had   long     has  helped   make   Indiana  General  a   leader
                                        been   considered   a    in  the  field  of  memory  products.
                                        leading  authority         This  specialization  has  helped  to produce
                                        and   pioneer   in   the  63   IGC   patents  related   to  ferrite   materials
               I:G:CBo;:n:£n:t:i;:S,:n#ebgyo;E.:.  £tE:Fe-.  development  of  fer-  and  devices,  which   have  found  wide  appli-
                                        rite  materials.  How-   cation  in the computer and general electron-
              ever  his  invention  of  a  unique  ferrite  mate-  ics   fields.   Other    lGC   developments   have
              rial  which  exhibited  a  square  hysteresis  loop  been   designed  to  solve  specific   problems.
              proved  to  be  one  of  his  most  valuable  con-  For example,  the  continuously strung  Micro-
              tri butions.                                       stack®,   a   highly  reliable,   compact  memory
                 From  this  new  material  came  the  ferrite   module  for  military  and  aerospace  applica-
               memory  core,  the  first  practical  solution  to  tions.
               the  problem  of data  storage.  The first appli-   Support  for  every  phase  of  our  operation
               cation  for   lGC's   new  memory  core  was  in  is  available  from  other  lGC  divisions.   Being
               M.I.T.'s   Whirlwind   I   computer.   Other  early  the world's largest manufacturer of magnetic
               ©  Indiana  General  Corporation,1966             materials  has  many  advantages.
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