Page 3 - What's Indiana General been cooking up in memory products
P. 3

On   the   following   pages  are   highlighted  reliability  records  of   planes  strung  at  this
            IGC's  Memory  Products'  facilities  and  cap-   operation  bear out the success of lGC's qual-
            abilities   at   our   Electronics   Division.     This  ity control  programs  at  Ferromagnetica.
            operation,  a  few  minutes  south  of  Newark,      The  computer,  as  we  know  it  today,  with
            covers  over  loo,000  sq.  ft.,  and  includes  re-  its massive storage capacity and nanosecond
            search,  engineering,  manufacturing,  assem-     speeds,   would    be   impossible   without   In-
            bly and  testing.                                 diana   General's   initial   contribution   seven-
               In  1965,  Ferromagnetica,  S.A.  was formed   teen   years   ago.   In   fact,   today,   practically
            in  Mexico  City.  This  new  company  is  jointly  every  manufacturer  of  memory  devices  and
            owned  with  a well-known  Mexican  manufac-      data    processing   equipment    uses   Indiana
            turer of electronic components.  It was estab-     General  memory cores, or  is an  lGC  licensee.
            lished  specifically  to  string  memory  planes     Pretty   good   when   you   consider   Indiana
            for large volume requirements. The excellent       General  started  at  the  core  of the  problem.

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