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Vol.  32 No   8
                                                                                            NEWS ALERT

                                                                                            National Oratorical
                                                                                            The American Legion is
                                                                                            looking forward to hosting in
                                                                                            person the National
                                                                                            Oratorical Finals in
                                                                                            Indianapolis April 23-24 with
                                                                                            49 high school orators
                                    SAVE   F'AF'ER.                                         speaking on the U.S.
                                                                                            Constitution and competing
                                                                                            for over $203,000 in
                             SAVE  F'OSTAGE.                                                scholarships.  The
                                                                                            championship finals with the
                                      SAVE  TIME.                                           top three orators will be held
                                                                                            Sunday, April 24, at 10
                                                                                            Eastern and will be streamed
                                                                                            live on a /eg/

                  MEMBERSHIP MATTERS
                                                                                            On Memorial Day this year,
                                                             _==AtviERICAN                  the American Legion Family
                                                             LEGION                         will honor the more than 1
                                                                                            million men and women who
                                                                                            have lost their lives defending
                                                                                            America since the
        8 IS ENOUGH                                                                         Revolutionary War. An
                                                                                            American Legion Memorial
                                                                                            Day speech for 2022 is
                                                                                            available for American
                                                                                            Legion departments, districts
                                                                                            and posts to use for Memorial
       8y The American Legion                                                               Day events. The speech is
                                                                                            available at a /eg/
          It is no secret that veterans service organi-  play a vital role as they sign up new members  pub//.catjons under Media &
       zation membership has been consistently  and process renewals over the next three    Communications.
       declining for many years. That may be    months. Lists of expired members can be
       changing. 'Ihe American Legion is on track to  located by visiting
       reverse that trend in 2022. A recent review of  "American Legion membership is starting
       the 2022 membership forecast shows the   to trend in the right direction," American  :.:a?aa8rsa°pcii[s
       Legion is on pace to exceed last year's totals,  Legion Marketing Division Director Kimberly
       which would be the first time the organization  Meesters said. "We are extremely close to  Count down to Flag Day,
       has enjoyed membership growth since 2010.  having a positive story about growth, but we  June 14, on your social media
          How close is the Legion to changing the  need everyone's help over the next three  channels by sharing The
       narrative from declining membership to   months to make sure we continue to have     American Legion's 50 Rally
       growth? The organization simply needs to  strong monthly numbers.                    Around the Flag social media
                                                  "With today's technology, it is easier than
       renew or recruit an average of eight members                                         graphics. Download the
       per post per month between April 1 and June  ever to renew or join. Safe and secure online  graphiesat@/eg/
        30. To make sure this milestone moment is  options are available. It is a quick process and
       met, the national membership and marketing  saves paper and postage."                media graphics feature
       teams are now launching an all-out push to  National Headquarters is planning to use  historical notes, fun facts and
                                                                                            voices from history about Old
       promote 2022 renewals, new joins and rejoins  all available media to urge new membership,
       to the nation's largest veterans service organi-                                     Glory.
       zation. Post officers and membership teams                      5ee8isenoughonPage4
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