P. 7;c:h
                                                                                                          Dispatch   7
        Promote the challenge.
        National headquarters staff has
        created promotional items for
        participants to share. For
        example, there is a poster that
        can be displayed at your post,
        community center or elsewhere. Additionally,
        there is a small handout card with a QR code
        that can be given to someone to sign up or
        donate on the spot, or used as a leave-behind at
        for these and other promotional items.
        Track your miles. The Kilter app is not being
        used. But there are two options for participants
        to track their miles on their own page on legion.
        org. The activity tracker page will allow you to
        either sync a device such as an Apple watch or
        FitBit using the Strava technology, or manually
        enter your activities. To learn how to track your
        miles,visit®                 AmericanLegionFomilymembersraiseover$106,000forOperotlon(omfortWarriorsatPost64in
        activitytracking.                                Indianapolis. Photo try Steve DeFeo
          There are dozens of activities to choose from
        on the tracker page such as walking, cycling,
        rucking, running, skiing, riding a motorcycle,   POSTA(TIVITIES
        canoeing, using a stand-up paddleboard and
        more. If you can't find your activity, you can   Legion Family donations
        choose "other."
                                                         support veterans
        Fundraise. Family members, friends and others
        can support your loo Miles for Hope with a
        donation on your behalf. And there are
        individual participant incentives for $100, $250   Kenny N. Dowden Wayne Post 64 in Indianapolis raised over
        and $500 donations.  Learn more about the 100    $106,000 for American Legion Operation Comfort Warriors (OCW)
        Miles for Hope Mobile Cause donation             during its March 27 fundraiser. More than 350 people attended the ham
        platformat®                  and beans meal, and enjoyed music and games, including Past National
        fundraising.                                     Commander James E. Koutz.
                                                           "It was a really, really great day." Koutz said. And at the end of the
        Create your own team. It is also possible for
        American Legion districts, posts or other       benefit event, "the crowd went crazy when they gave me the check for the
        entities that would like to create their own     Sloo,000." Koutz made Operation Comfort Warriors his marquee
        challenge against another group. If you would   fundraising mission in 2012 and 2013. When his term ended, his passion
       like to create a new team, please email          for OCW did not fade. Since his year as national commander, he has                        helped raise millions of dollars for the program that provides comfort
       Earn incentives. American Legion Riders and      items and recreational opportunities for wounded and sick military
       chapters can also earn rewards throughout the    personnel and veterans in severe need.
                                                           Learn more at a /eg/
       challenge for their fundraising                     Howard A. Van Wagner American Legion Post 962 in Locust Valley,
       accomplishments. To see the details and specific
       rewards for American Legion Riders chapters,     N.Y., recently donated $6,000 to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of
       vtsit®           America Long Island Chapter to provide military protective gear and
                                                        grade field dressings for frontline fighters in Ukraine. This donation
       Share your journey. The American Legion          included $1,000 from American Legion Auxiliary Unit 962.
       encourages all participants to share their loo      "We've all been impressed with the fortitude and strength of the
       Miles for Hope journeys with their family        Ukrainian people and what they're doing in an overwhelming situation,
       members, friends and others. Share your          and we wanted to help in some way," said Tony Bliss, Post 962 treasurer
       progress and fundraising achievements on         and past commander.
       a /eg/ For social media posts, use     Bohdan Kopystianskyj, a Post 962 member who is of Ukrainian
       the hashtag #100MilesForHope and tag The         heritage and has family still living there, is grateful for the donation.
       American Legion. Want a personalized social      "I'm grateful that there were so many people who felt a certain sense of
       media graphic? Learn how at a /eg/.on.           obligation to help the Ukraine cause in trying to defend themselves from
                                                        (Vladimir) Putin."
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