P. 4

6   Dispatch

        100 MIL[S FOR HOPE
        Here's how to support your department


          'Ihe Department Challenge has been expanded for the third
                                                               that. California is going to be leading the way. But more
        annual American Legion 100 Miles for Hope, which runs through  importantly, besides raising that money, we're going to help one
        Sept. 5. Proceeds from registrations and donations go directly to  another by becoming healthier and live better and happier lives."
        supporting disabled veterans and military families through The  To ensure that your fundraising gets credited to your
        American Legion Veterans & Children Foundation (V&CF).  department, be sure to join its team. There are two ways to join or
          If you haven't already registered, get started on your 100 Miles  support a department or team.
        forHopejourneybyvisiting®/eg/  I. Malre a donation. To donate to your department, visit
        fee is $30. Participants receive a T-shirt and a finisher's certificate
        for downloading upon completion of their miles. New this year  a /egjon.o/g/700m/./e5 to find your department and then either
                                                               click the link to go to your department donation page, or text your
        are incentives for hitting various fundraising tiers, as well as
                                                               unique department code to 71777. After texting your department
        rewards for the top monthly fundraisers, and the overall top  code, you will receive a link to donate to your department.
          For their breakout challenge, departments are divided up into  2. Fundralse. Go to Mobile Cause at a app.mob/./
        categories by size. The department in each category that raises the  vr/700MFH to sign up and then choose "Become a fundraiser"
        most money for the V&CF via the 100 miles challenge will receive  then select a team. All of the departments have already been
        a plaque from the national commander. National Commander  created. To join a team after initial set-up, log back into your
        Paul E. Dillard has set a fundraising goal for this year's 100 Miles  Mobile Cause page or type in] 100MFH/
        for Hope of $450,000. The Department of California kicked off its  YourName and select edit at the bottom of the page, then click
        100 Miles for Hope challenge on March 12 with a fundraising goal  Join a Team.
        of$7,000.                                                Visit a /eg/ to see your department
          "We want to be among the leaders in reaching the national
                                                               category, and for more information about the challenge and how
        commander's goal of $450,000," said Department of California  to support your department.
        Judge Advocate Chris Yates. "Our goal is to make sure that he gets  This year's 100 Miles for Hope also allows participants to:
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