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                           THE AMERICAN  LEGION  FAMILY

                                             NATIONAL POPPY DAY®

         Resources online to celebrate National Poppy Day

           National Poppy Day® this year is May 27 and American  I Guidance on how everyone can help, including a communica-
        Legion Family members will be distributing the symbolic flowers  tions toolkit that has downloadable ads, posters, flyers and
        that honor military sacrifices and raise funds to help disabled  other media, along with sample press releases and other
        veterans and support programs of the organizations.       documents that can be used locally
           Resources are now available for local use and education about  I A link to #poppyday social media hashtag images
        Poppy Day at ® legion.orgApoppyday.                     I Links to make online donations to the American Legion
           The updated web platform features:                     Auxiliary Foundation and American Legion Charities as part
         •AbriefhistoryofPoppyDay                                 ofPoppyDayactivities
         I A Poppy Shop to purchase pins and supplies for posts, units,  On Sept. 27, 1920, the poppy became the official flower of The
           squadrons and chapters                              American Legion and, led largely by the American Legion
         I Videos, including stirring recitations of "In Flanders Fields"  Auxiliary, has since become an annual tradition to raise aware-
           and "We Shall Keep the Faith"                       ness and support for our nation's veterans.
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