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                                                      How to find expired members
       renewals and re-joins in the last quarter of the
       2021-22 membership cycle. Included are plans
       for enhanced social media promotion,          and nonlrenewals
       advertising and frequent use of national
       media assets, like The American Legion
       Magazine,, e-newsletters and the      American Legion post adjutants and commanders must be signed in to
       fast-growing and award-winning Tango          a  My[ to access My Groups where the following information is
       Alpha Lima podcast.                           located.
          During the campaign, an emphasis will
       also be placed on two specific areas of       Find expired post members
       membership management that can ease the        I.  Enter My Groups to access Group Profile.
       renewal process: automatic renewal and        2.  Go to "Reports/Labels" from the lefthand My Views menu.
       online renewal. QR codes will be placed on    3.  Select "Post/Squadron Current Roster.»
       most promotions so potential members can      4.  Set parameters for expired members. Enter group first.
       simply snap a photo with a smartphone and     5. Enter last paid year (2021, 2022) and mailing status.
       land in the renewal area of the national      6.  Click "View Report."
          "This is a really phenomenal opportunity   Renew members
       to energize our membership and build           1.  Click "Process Membership" in the lefthand menu.
       momentum for the future," Meesters said.      2.  Click "Add/Modify Transmittal" to open the post transmittal window.
       "An average of eight renewals or new mem-       Results in this search only provide members eligible for renewal.
       bers per post for three months is extremely   3.  Search member by ID or name to add to batch and click "Save."
       achievable. We hope everyone will join this   4.  Click "Finalize" to view members in batch.
       effort. Then wc can all celebrate a year of   5.  Click "Finalize" again to advance to payment window.
                                                     6.  Select "Pay Now" (add, update or select stored payment information).
       growth for a change."

       Arkansas hosts inaugural Legion (ollege with great suc(ess

                                                                                      'Ihe curriculum included training
          The American Legion Department
        of Arkansas recently held its inaugural                                     on leadership, how to conduct a
        Legion College with 31 graduates. Of                                        meeting, membership recruiting,
        those graduates, 24 were Legionnaires                                       training principles, resolution writing,
        - including six from the Department                                         and the history of The American
        of Oklahoma and three from the                                              Legion and Department of Arkansas.
        Department of Missouri -and five                                              "Now we have Legionnaires starting
        were Sons of 'Ihe American Legion                                           to write resolutions and understand
        members and five Auxiliary members.                                         the resolution process," said Michael
          "We had a unique combination of a                                         Westergren, past department com-
        multi-departmental and multi-family                                         mander, current department judge
        Legion College. Which really added a                                        advocate and National Committee on
        lot to it," said Department of Arkansas                                     Youth Education chairman. And the
        Legion College Dean Patrick "Doc"  Arkasas Legion College   Photo prow.ided  history portion "opened people's eyes
        Phillips. "It was a lot of fun, and there                                   to what we have been and what we can
        was a lot of interaction. As far as networking went, you couldn't  be.„
        have provided a better environment for that to happen in."  All course training materials went home with the students in
          The department's Legion College was held at Post 100 in  a personalized binder for them to share and implement at the
        Rogers from March 11-13. The college commenced that Friday  post and district level.  "We know we can't reach everybody in a
        evening with welcoming remarks from Phillips, Department  college classroom, but we can reach the post through these other
        Commander Kevin Caldwell and National Executive Commit-  trained individuals," Westel.gren said.
        teeman Mary Erdman. And a successful Department of Arkan-  Read more about the vision Arkansas had for a Legion College
        sas Legion College followed.                           and how the program got started at a /eg/
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