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MARCH 2022                                                                           VOLUMEXXXISSUE8

                                             Jerr)/ Brandt, Commander            problems, maybe we can help. I would love
           DepartmentOfficers                commander@floridaleaion.ora         `® see a sta`ewide Buddy Check every
            1  commander                        4  NE(                           third Saturday of each month. Let's make
                                                            The ldes of March is
            21stviaeGommander         4  Chaplain                                it happen!
                                                            approaching, and we
            3  2ndvIcetommander       411istorian
                                                            have many things to  The Constitution and By-Laws are on
            3  3rd Vie tommander
                                                            consider, in example:
                                                                                 schedule.  The DEC received a Memorandum
                                                                                 from National on what is expected. The
           Area / District commanders                       1.               An in-person/  Constitution and  By-Laws Committee
                                                            Zoom  DEC meeting  is to
            6  Nor[hemArea                     6 Western Area                    has ensured that they will follow that
                                                            be held on April 2nd.
                                                                                 memorandum closely. We will wait for the
                                                            2.               New  DEC Meeting in April to confirm that the DEC
                                                 Constitution and By-Laws to be sent out  agrees with the changes, before moving
            5  EastemMembership        11  MembershipReport  in early March for the DEC to review.  forward the Constitution and  By-Laws to our
           P-                                 4.    Post, District, Area, and Department  The DEC meeting will be the first Spring/
            5  Weston Membershfty
                                              3.    MEMBERSHIP.We areclosing in onour
                                                 membership goals, let's make it happen!
                                                 officers now is the time to campaign if  Winter meeting of the DEC in years, in fact,
            7  Baseball                                 8 Womenvcterans
                                                 you wish to run for a position.  I have never attended one.  But,just like
            7  Children &Youth                  8  VA Entitlements
                                                                                 the ZOOM calls we had this year, we are
            7   Law & Order                            9  PROJECT:VctRelief  Starting with membership, we are at an
                                                                                 attempting to re-establish communication
                                             82.9% goal, with only 18,000 members to
                                                                                 within the Department of Florida.  If you
           Othe,                             go.  That may seem like a large number, but  have time and are a member of the DEC,
                                             we have over 25,000 who did not renew
           ro  Southern Area -National l\lews                                    please attend in pei.son at the Department, if
                                    last year. We have an additional 5,000
           lz Ow Area BaH                                                        unable or too far to travel, please join us on
                                             brand new membersjoin in Florida this
           13   Eastern Area Ball                                                ZOOM for this DEC meeting.
                                             year, and this was in February.  Please reach
           15  Children & Yb`ith Golflbumament and Picnic
                                             out to those who did not renew. Clear your  Running for office?  lf you are, please start
           17  Nortwh Area Ball
                                             roster, by doing Buddy Checke! lf a member  planning now, who is there to support
           19  Oratorical tompetitun
                                             has moved, have them join a local post. If
           2o  Heroes wh Festival                                                you?  Line up your chairs now. As a Post
                                             they are deceased, you can update your  Commander, you should have a list a mile
                                             roster and remember them at your Post.  If  long on those who will assist you; Boys State,
                     Submit Articles at      they're sick or unable to travel, you can reach  Baseball, Oiatorial, Children & Youth, just to
                                             out to help.  Let's do our best to take care  name a few.  As a District Commander, look
              Questions? leoionl in k@floridaleaion  oro  of our brothels and sisters when they're in  outside of your Post for your Chairs, to help
                                             need.  If you have members you haven't seen
                                             in a while, check in to see if they're having  DepartmentCommandercontmuedonpage2>>
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