P. 5
BBruceTh`Jrber,EasternMembershlp positively influenced. Now is the time to and befit the whole family.
membershiD@leaionmail.ora envision a future guided by 21 st-century
veterans, their families, communities, Another issue that can be partly blamed for
ASThe American Legion
needs, and interests. More than 2.7 million a loss in membership is the Pandemic. The
turns 103 on March 15,
Americans have served in the Iraq and COVID-19 pandemic creates stressors such
2022, we flnd ourselves
Afghanistan war zones, many on multiple as fear of getting sick, concern for loved
in a constant struggle
deployments. We need to be there for them. one5, isolation,job loss, new childcare, and
with membership.
In an effort to build Many have young families and limited family demands. If you have been through
income, with rising costs, we need to fill the traumatic events in the past, you may have
membership, we will be
void. learned to cope well in crisis situations.
holding online meetings
However, dealing with the pandemic is
with the District
In years past veteran's families were invited unique. Some ways people cope, like eating
Membership Chairs. If you have ideas on how
to the local post for a monthly or weekly out or watching/playing sports, may not be
to increase membership, please share your
thoughts with the. The first meeting will be family night. Family entertainment and a an option for some. For those with PTSD, the
ijdiculously low-cost meal were provided.
held on March 1 st at 6:00 pin. pandemic may trigger or affect your PTSD
Grandpa, GJandma, mom, dad, and kids all symptoms. We can help by providing things
came and spent quality time. This created that mean something and they enjoy. Make
We are the nation's largest veterans service
organization, refleding on a legacy of an opportunity for the veteran to meet your Service Officers available for both the
with other veterans, and the Post had the veteran and family members.
historic achievements and millions of lives
opportunity to show how they could help
RRandylloleyfie[d,WesternMembership Member to attend all District meetings Post Award Categories
membershiDfal@leatonmail.ora I 15tol99Membership
2. MembershipTeam conducts a 11 ZOO-499
The clock is winding
revitalization Ill 500-999
down and Department
lv 1000-1499
Convention is around
3. Post achieves 100% by March 31st V 1500ormore
the corner. But there's
New Member Recruiter, deadline May
still much to fin-ish.
4. Post maintains 2-Way communication 31 st, need three or more, list as many as you
As far as membership,
there are many awards with their District Commander and District recruit.
Membership chair
on the horizon. So,
Membership Pin Award, by the number
let's talk Awards,I will
5. Participates in Department-sponsored of members you receive the various pins
summarize them from the Department
Membership manual for the sake of space. membership prog rams whether successful below, also due by May 31 st.
or not, i.e., District or Area Revitalizations 10 -24 Gold Pin
Recrulter pins or Membership Drives. 25 -49 Gold w/ Sapphire stone
50 - 75 Gold w/ Ruby stone
Many have submitted requests to JOAnn
6. Team utilizing MyLegion for membership 76 & up Gold w/ Diamond stone
at Department Headquarters for their
and renewals.
recruiter pins. However, your membership
Re(ruiter of the Year, both Department &
chairs have taken over this distribution this
7. Participate in at least one Open House, National, due May 5th.
year. If you qualify for a pin, please notify
Community Event, or have a membership
your District Commander. Your pin will be
table at a fail.. Department Recruiter of the Year, by May
presented at your next District Meeting, for
signing up three or more new members. ta rget date.
Verified by their Disti.jct Commander to
the Department, attesting the results and/ National Recruiter of the Year, by May
Active Membership Team Award (70" T`/ )
or activity to Department The post will ta rget date.
Awarded to a post that meets these
receive a Plaque and be entered in a drawing
according to the size of their post, one per The Quick Draw and the 100%
ii- -± , -
1. At least one Post Membership Team
Western Membership continued on page 6 >>